Do You Frequent Prospering or Poor Blogging Neighborhoods?

Do You Frequent Prospering or Poor Blogging Neighborhoods? 4

I spent my blogging day today hanging out in high energy blogging locales. I always do. Why? Hanging out in prospering blogging neighborhoods increases your blogging success. Hanging out in poor blogging neighborhoods increases your blogging failure. Environment shapes you like that. I guest posted on a few respected blogs, like Blog CD, among others. …

Do You Frequent Prospering or Poor Blogging Neighborhoods? Read More »

Why Taking Your Foot off of the Blogging Pedal May Help You over the Long Haul

Why Taking Your Foot off of the Blogging Pedal May Help You over the Long Haul 6

Does this title sound confusing? Mr. Keep Your Foot on the Blogging Pedal advises you to move forward daily, slowly and surely. Perhaps you see me writing and publishing 5 or 10 posts and guest posts collectively in one day. How in the heck can I take my blogging foot off of the pedal? Why …

Why Taking Your Foot off of the Blogging Pedal May Help You over the Long Haul Read More »

Do You Genuinely Need Blogging Help?

Do You Genuinely Need Blogging Help? 7

The biggest blogging turning point for me was: admitting to myself I had been struggling blogging-wise for quite a while admitting that I needed blogging help from top bloggers getting help from pros through their free and premium content following helpful advice from pros patiently, persistently and generously Everything changed by me admitting honestly to …

Do You Genuinely Need Blogging Help? Read More »