3557 Posts and 212 Pages on Blogging From Paradise
1195 Guest Posts on Blogging Tips
318 Guest Posts on Blogging Explained
268 Guest Posts on Make Blogging
184 Guest Posts on Blog With VK
167 Guest Posts on Personal Growth Channel
111 Guest Posts on Enstine Muki
89 Guest Posts on World Writer’s Hub
Don’t get it twisted; it’s not about the numbers, but the mindset. I absolutely gobble up blogging opportunities to help people on my blog, through guest posting and through promoting other bloggers, too. I seize opportunities for genuine blog commenting as well.
Having fun, making qualities impacts and helping people generously ensures you seize and use opportunities pronto. But by default, most bloggers wait on the sidelines. Look at the numbers above. Most pat themselves on the back after publishing 1 guest post. I genuinely salute you. But veteran bloggers need to be publishing more than a single guest post to make an impact, if you so choose that route.
Newbie bloggers; celebrate your first guest post. Congratulate yourself. Write and submit guest post #2, #3, and so on. Seize and use opportunities to help people to adopt an abundance mindset.
The abundant mindset confuses folks because the masses want something for nothing. Some want something for every kind act offered. Others find themselves stuck in the employee mentality, demanding a paycheck for blogging work done. Publish one post. Wait for blogging profits. None arrive after one week. Wait one more week. None arrive after two weeks. Why write the second blog post? No one paid you for your first blog post. No one bought your stuff or hire you based on your first post. Hold on to that one. Allow the first blog post to make money before you inconvenience yourself with writing and publishing a second post.
Squeeze profits out of one because you deserve to get paid for every blogging act…..right? Wrong.
While you futz around for years, acting allergic to opportunities, I wrote and published thousands of guest posts and published 3000 plus blog posts on my blog since 2014. I seize opportunities to help people. I rarely turn down a blogging mic although I need to do so more today, because a tidy little volume of opportunities show up on my cyber door step.
All you need to do is to be generous. Someone in your niche invites you to guest post on their respected blog? Seize and use that opportunity to help people and to help yourself, immediately. Do not hesitate. Do not delay. There are the quick, and the dead, blogging-wise. After you published thousands and thousands of blog posts and guest posts you have the luxury to turn down opportunities because so many opportunities appear on your cyber door step.
I cannot help everyone who pitches me or asks me questions or wants me to complete interviews because I simply do not have the time to complete all requests and still have a life. I also maintain a busy posting and guest posting schedule, as you see above.
When you get so busy helping people you do not even stop to look at the numbers, you are in the abundance mindset mode. I had no idea how many guest posts I published all together because I published many one-off’s and a handful of guest posts on a wide range of blogs. I do have a wee better idea after working out the numbers above….but….who cares?
Seriously guys; I do not care about numbers but do care about helping you. Of course, we both win. I gain traffic and profits while having fun helping you. You get helpful blog posts, eBooks and courses. Win-win.
Help people. Publish a genuine comment below. Write and publish your next blog post. Write and submit your next guest post. Retweet this post. Mention this post on your blog.
Gobble up blogging opportunities for service to accelerate your blogging success.
Watch in awe as your skills, exposure and credibility expand exponentially over the long haul.
Do you find yourself hesitating to give generously because it feels uncomfortable to you?
Buy my eBook:
How to Master Doing Freeing But Highly Uncomfortable Stuff
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Ryan Biddulph
A Blogging Geek from Paradise.
Ryan Biddulph inspires bloggers with his 100 plus eBooks, courses, audiobooks and blog at Blogging From Paradise.
Finally someone is talking about it😅
haha yes indeed bro. Thanks AV 🙂
Hi Ryan,
I love the energy and how you emphasize on being generous and helping people.
That’s the reason we are here. To help each other, share ideas, grow together and make the life we live worth it.
Amazing advise as always. Thanks for the mention. Let’s do more.
You rock, Ryan!
Prince, likewise brother. You are doing an awesome job serving, and lighting up the blogging niche 🙂