Ryan Biddulph

Ryan Biddulph helps you to become a successful blogger at Blogging From Paradise.

Do You Follow the Blogging Herd?

Do You Follow the Blogging Herd? 2

Why expect to be successful if you follow the blogging herd? No blogger succeeds by doing what most bloggers do. Most bloggers fail. Following failure accelerates your failure. Copying failing bloggers guarantees you fail, too. The herd struggles. Following their lead by doing what they do with a similar energy positions you to fail, too. …

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Do You Need to Be More Open-Minded?

Do You Need to Be More Open-Minded? 4

Open-minded bloggers prosper. Close-minded bloggers struggle. I intend to be as open-minded as humanly possible. Being open-minded lets me seize and use opportunities to prosper by helping human beings. Sazzadul invited me to guest post on his rocking blog. I gobbled up the opportunity immediately. I also ran with it, publishing 100’s of guest posts …

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Stop Needlessly Judging Your Blogging Work

Stop Needlessly Judging Your Blogging Work 6

Bloggers waste ample time judging their blogging work. I catch myself falling into bad judgmental habits in moments. But I quickly snap myself out of destructive, self-judging blogging patterns. Being tough on yourself makes blogging tougher on you. Why make life difficult? Practice blogging. Improve your skills through simple practice. No need to judge work …

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Why Bloggers Set Unrealistic Expectations

Why Bloggers Set Unrealistic Expectations 7

Bloggers tend to set unrealistic expectations. Blogging feels like an escape from a boring, dead end job. Blogging feels like a way out. Blogging seems to be the bridge from depression to happiness. Everything seems bright. The future forces you to wear shades; blinding potential waits around the cyber corner. But blogging douses your dreams. …

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Create and Connect

Create and Connect 10

Create and connect. Create and connect. Create and connect. Everything in blogging is creating helpful content and building strong connections with readers and/or successful bloggers in your niche. Blogging is not terribly difficult to understand. Create helpful content. Build strong connections with people who enjoy your blog and with fellow bloggers in your niche. Of …

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