I spent the past 10 minutes reading a few posts and commenting on the posts. I advise bloggers engage in genuine blog commenting to build their friend network.
But commenting is a secondary strategy for promoting your blogging success. What is the blogging big time? For starters, publishing blog posts and guest posts signals you feel ready to step things up a bit. I reach far more people through writing this guest post than by publishing blog comments on well read blogs. The moment I publish this blog post I get increased exposure. The moment I publish blog comments, the comments sit in a moderated queue, meaning no instant exposure.
Publishing this guest post allows me to grab the lion’s share of your attention. Readers see my name associated with the title and the author bio – plus my eBook and blog link – near the end of the blog post. Publishing comments only gives you a small share of reader attention spans. Other readers comment too, dividing up attention spans. Commentors get a single link pointing to their blog via a hyperlink. Fewer and fewer readers allow their eyes to travel down page to the comments field. Most scan comments, if anything. This is why you need to step up to the big time of blogging and guest blogging. Readers see more of you and what you offer through your blog posts and guest posts.
Going big time varies for each blogger. Imagine being a first time blogger wrapping up your first month. Stepping up to the big time means broadcasting live for the first time on Facebook. Big time bloggers possess a different definition of the big time because pros have different standards than new bloggers. I see things differently than a new blogger. A new blogger has 100 hours of blogging experience. I have 10,000 to 15,000 hours of experience. We see things differently, as we should. But stepping things up demands you leave your comfort zone routinely. Nobody enjoys this process. Bloggers would rather comment comfortably on blogs for years before publishing blog content and guest posts frequently.
But publishing blog content and guest posts is the way to succeed blogging-wise while solely publishing blog comments does not get you far at all. What does an impressed reader see after clicking on your valued comment? Nothing much, if you rarely publish blog content. How do you gain exposure through your blog alone? Unless you boast serious search skills, you better guest post to boost your exposure exponentially over the long haul.
Stepping up to the big time scares most bloggers. As your willingness to step it up grows, your responsibilities increase. I intend to publish a high volume of blog posts and guest posts daily based on intuitive nudges. My eyes drop now as I doze off but I intend to see the journey through, stepping it up. I only step it up to bigger time circumstances. I have no other choice. I cannot look back because I played small time for long enough. I suffered because I played small time. Now I play big time. I simply see no other way to blog because I observed the benefits of blogging time and I also suffered through the downsides of blogging small time. Would you do things differently, if you saw the upsides and downsides of each? I did not think so 🙂
Doing scary stuff feels taxing sometimes. My neck feels super stiff today; definitely wearing me out a little bit. But I continue to write because doing uncomfortable stuff continues to increase my freedoms. How can you do freeing stuff even if walking the freeing path feels scary? Buy my eBook:
How to Master Doing Freeing But Highly Uncomfortable Stuff
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Ryan Biddulph
A Blogging Geek from Paradise.
Ryan Biddulph inspires bloggers with his 100 plus eBooks, courses, audiobooks and blog at Blogging From Paradise.