Sazzadul Bari

Sazzadul Bari is the founder and the man behind the BlogCD.Com, a blogging resource site for bloggers. He is also a digital marketing strategist, a creative writer, and a tech-savvy person who likes to play with words. His hobby is travelling, blogging and wandering around the digital marketing arena. He is also fond of learning new things that always keep him up to date with the competitive world.

WordPress 5.0 Release: Major Changes and Adaptability

WordPress 5.0 Release: Major Changes and Adaptability 2

Have you been paying attention to WordPress news lately? If you have been to your WordPress dashboard today, you have likely to notice a major update waiting for you. A long-awaited 5.0 update to WordPress was officially released on December 6, 2018. You can get in touch with WordCamp US.  WordPress 5.0 “Bebo” brings with …

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Chronological Advancement of Gutenberg – The Beginning of New Era in WordPress

Chronological Advancement of Gutenberg - The Beginning of New Era in WordPress 7

It’s been almost a year since I have been hearing lots of noises about the new revolution of WordPress which is called Gutenberg. Though it has been whispering all through the year, I have been loosely following the noise and wp-drama surrounding Gutenberg for as long as it has been around. For the most part, I’ve …

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What is Flywheel in Business?

What is Flywheel in Business? 8

A Flywheel is basically a machine that stores rotational energy. Usually, when you add energy to a flywheel, it literally starts to spin and if you add more energy, it spins faster. Unlike a funnel, Where the only way to maintain a constant speed is to keep adding stuff to it. A flywheel will keep spinning …

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