Ryan Biddulph

Ryan Biddulph helps you to become a successful blogger at Blogging From Paradise.

Have You Tried or Fully Committed to Blogging?

When blogging what are some things to consider

Every failing blogger “tries” blogging.  Every successful blogger *commits* to blogging. Big difference.  A few moments ago, I read a question on Quora. Some blogger asked about how to get people to visit their site and use their site. Basically, the blogger wants traffic and conversions. Said blogger noted “trying” social media but it did …

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Achieve Balance Between Pleasing Google and Helping Readers

Achieve Balance Between Pleasing Google and Helping Readers 6

I read a question on a travel blogging tribe a few moments ago. One blogger asked a common question. She suffered a heavy drop in traffic after Google penalized her website. Being a bit lost, the blogger wants to figure out how to please Google for returning her former traffic stats. Understandably, fear wormed into …

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Do You Try to Impress Bloggers or Help Bloggers?

Do You Try to Impress Bloggers or Help Bloggers? 7

“Do not confuse understanding with a larger vocabulary, sacred writings are beneficial in stimulating desire for inward realization, if one stanza at a time is slowly assimilated. Continual intellectual study results in vanity and the false satisfaction of an undigested knowledge.” ~ Sri Yukteswar Giri Blogging is an inside-out game. How you feel dictates how …

Do You Try to Impress Bloggers or Help Bloggers? Read More »

Blogging for Fun: The Foundation of Blogging Success

Blogging for Fun: The Foundation of Blogging Success 8

Blogging for fun seems like the right path if you want to become successful online. Why? Being fully invested in the process detaches you from blogging outcomes. While most bloggers panic, ditch proven strategies and fail because of their attachment to traffic and profits, you generously, patiently, persistently and calmly see the journey through. I …

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