Blogging for Fun: The Foundation of Blogging Success

Blogging for Fun: The Foundation of Blogging Success 1

Blogging for fun seems like the right path if you want to become successful online. Why? Being fully invested in the process detaches you from blogging outcomes. While most bloggers panic, ditch proven strategies and fail because of their attachment to traffic and profits, you generously, patiently, persistently and calmly see the journey through. I …

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Future of Password Security | Thoughts of Security Experts

Password Security

Protecting yourself in the digital space is one of your most critical responsibilities. For the sake of digital security, passwords were first introduced into the world of computing in the 1960s. However, at that time, they weren’t as annoying as they are today. Actually, weak passwords have plagued individuals, organizations, and security parameters for a …

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Advanced Blogging Tip: Stop Obsessing over the Wrong Blogging Metrics

advanced blogging tip

I came across a Twitter thread 5 minutes ago. Some well-meaning bloggers asked their followers if they want more followers. Bloggers bandied about their follower count goals. Even worse; people followed each other not based on enjoying blog content from their buddies but only because fellow bloggers followed them. Think this one through. Someone follows …

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A Better Understanding on Google BERT | What And How this Algorithm Works

BERT update

A few months before, on October 28, Google introduced a new algorithm update called BERT. Since the algorithm was rolled out, there has been a flurry of discussion throughout the search engine industry. According to everyone, the Google BERT update will bring many major changes to the Google search result page. According to Google, this …

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4 Common Blogging Mistakes for Beginners

4 Common Blogging Mistakes for Beginners 6

Blogging mistakes for beginners cripple even determined bloggers. Why? How can you fight and defeat an unseen enemy? Newbie bloggers tend to be blind-sided by these errors. Imagine trying to fight air. Envision trying to strangle the sea. Impossible ventures, right? Overcoming new blogger errors you miss is impossible but seeing these mistakes and owning …

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