Blogging best practices sometimes confuse new bloggers.
I had no clue where to look for good blogging advice a decade ago. But things changed. I finally learned how following advice from pros is the simple way to profit online. Simple. Not easy. Blogging gets easier if you keep things simple. Blogging feels uncomfortable at times. Develop your emotional intelligence to ride out these rough spots.
Blogging is simple but scary sometimes. I developed my emotional intelligence far more than my actual intelligence to get the street smarts necessary to succeed online. Smart bloggers cower at the first feeling of fear; unless said bloggers develop their emotional intelligence. Be comfortable with being uncomfortable. Follow your passion. Make the work the reward.
Blogging Best Practices
Practice makes better. The more you blog from a relaxed energy, the more your skills, exposure and credibility increases. Success follows. But adopt a long term time frame to be realistic. Blogging has moving parts. This gig is not as simple – and easy – as writing and publishing blog posts. Networking plays a chief role in succeeding online, as does monetizing. But investing in your blogging education is critically important too. Most bloggers skip this step. Skipping this step makes your blogging life painfully uncomfortable.
Follow these 5 blogging best practices to prosper.
1: Follow Your Fun
Follow your fun. Blog mainly to have fun helping people. Be generous by focusing on the process of serving people with a relaxed, detached energy. See traffic and profits as extras, or bonuses. Fall in love with the process. Blogging for fun gives you ample generosity, patience and persistence to see the journey through.
Build a list of topics you’d chat about for hours. Narrow down to one topic to specialize and prosper.
2: Create Helpful Posts
Whether blogging or guest posting, create helpful posts to:
- boost your credibility
- increase your skills
- maximize your exposure.
Create helpful content to earn reader trust. Focus heavily on this fundamental. Be generous. Help people for free. Position yourself to help people for pay. Publish helpful content on the regular. Aim for one blog post per week, at a minimum. Publish 2-3 times weekly to really be cooking.
3: Network Generously
Network generously. Help fellow bloggers by promoting them:
- on your blog
- through social media
Comment genuinely on top blogs in your niche. Make friends. Increase your exposure.
Make friends who promote you, endorse you, buy your stuff and hire you in return. Ask for nothing. Expect nothing. Help people freely to succeed with your blogger networking campaign.
Buy my blogger networking eBook if you need help in this area.
4: Monetize Liberally
Open multiple streams of blogging income. Be generous with yourself. Being generous with yourself allows you to make money online. Why be stingy with yourself if you are generous with your readers?
Open income streams liberally. Add one income stream every 3-6 months, or more frequently. Charge premium rates to boost earning potential.
5: Invest in Your Blogging Education
Invest money in your blogging education. Spend money to make money by gaining access to the best blogging advice. Pay for courses, eBooks and services from top blogging tips bloggers. Get the best advice from the best blogging tips bloggers.
Access helpful free content but buy premium products and services to put your successful blogging campaign into overdrive. Accelerate your blogging success by paying your online tuition.
Stick to the blogging basics. Resist the urge to get rich quickly. Pro bloggers generously, patiently and persistently help readers for years. Do your job. Help people. Allow your success to flow to you. Stick to the fundamentals to become a thriving, free, professional blogger.

Ryan Biddulph
A Blogging Geek from Paradise.
Ryan Biddulph inspires bloggers with his 100 plus eBooks, courses, audiobooks and blog at Blogging From Paradise.