Beginning a blog?
Continuing to blog until you go pro?
Sometimes, the journey becomes uncomfortable. You and I love easy. We dig seeing quick returns. Humans seem fear-driven. People teach you: get a job to get money through quick paychecks weekly or bi-weekly. But blogging is different. Blogging is being an entrepreneur. Being a professional blogger involves doing generous things for years during your amateur blogger days. Being an amateur blogger for years feels frustrating sometimes. Who wants to work for free or for a few bucks for months or years? But no other way to go pro exists.
Blogging the right way brings you slow and steady returns for a bit. But the slow and steady returns add up to something spectacular over the long haul. I rarely note stats. But in 2014, when I created Blogging From Paradise, zero backlinks pointed to my blog. I slowly, steadily and patiently published content solving reader problems. I also networked generously and genuinely.
Slowly and steadily, zero backlinks became 1 backlink. 1 backlink became 2 backlinks. 6 years later, after simply creating content and building connections daily for the past 2200 days of my life – give or take some days – some 40,000 to 50,000 backlinks point to my blog, depending on the service you use to find backlinks. 50,000 backlinks began at zero backlinks. I did simple things. I wrote no viral blog posts. I did nothing brilliant. But I did simple things routinely for many years, spanning 1000’s and 1000’s of hours.
But unfortunately, most bloggers try to do spectacular, complex things to become an overnight blogging success. Every single one of these bloggers struggles, fails and quits 100% of the time because success is in doing simple things for a long time, to see spectacular returns over the long haul. Trying to do spectacular things to mine quick blogging success leads to failure every time. I have personally observed this mistake many times during my 12 year blogging career.
Bloggers try to get rich quick. Spamming follows. Or bloggers attempt to hack Google with one viral blog post. Or bloggers try to publish 10 posts daily to get rich overnight. Again; trying to do spectacular things to get rich quickly always leads to failure. No matter how hard or long you work, you will fail by doing anything other than doing simple things for a long time.
Blogging is doing simple things generously for a long time. Doing simple things leads to slow, steady blogging success. Slow, steady blogging success builds equally as slowly and steadily. Someone buys one of your eBooks today. Someone buys one of your eBooks 7 days from now. Two people buy one of your eBooks 14 days from now. After 1 month, 4 people buy your eBook. Slowly and steadily, your blogging success builds from zero eBook sales to 4 eBooks sales.
Next month yields 3 eBook sales. The following month yields 10 eBook sales. After 3 months, you have netted 17 eBook sales. After 1 year, you generate 60 eBook sales. After 2 years, eBook sales increase to 150. 5 years marks 700 eBook sales. 10 years marks 4,000 eBook sales.4,000 eBook sales seems likes a spectacular result for most bloggers but the generous, patient, persistent pro blogger who did simple things daily for 10 years understands how doing simple things for a long time yields big results over the long haul.
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Ryan Biddulph
A Blogging Geek from Paradise.
Ryan Biddulph inspires bloggers with his 100 plus eBooks, courses, audiobooks and blog at Blogging From Paradise.