Be genuine. Add value.
Both simple but powerful steps in snagging attention spans through awesome blog commenting.
Being genuine allows fellow bloggers to see your honest nature in connecting with them. Adding value allows fellow bloggers to appreciate the helpful content you bring to the cyber table through blog comments. Both form a powerful 1-2 punch bonding you to bloggers and accelerating your blogging success.
Take a look at my eBook:
How to Leave Attention Grabbing Blog Comments (Amazon eBook)
Buy it to get the blog commenting 411. I flesh out these basic principles with sound, practical blog commenting tips. Beyond that, be real in all you do. People sense if you try to comment mainly to snag blog traffic or to snare blogging profits. We all have seen those spamming tools trying to get exposure by putting attention on selves and their sites, versus wanting to add a meaningful comment to a blog post. Never be those fools. Because we spot you 10,000 miles away.
Be real. Be genuine. Share your honest thoughts in regard to the blog post, points made and if you wish to make impacts, share some of your personal experience with the topic. Bloggers love that. Bloggers totally dig your perspective because adding stories adds your flavor to the blog post, making for sweet blogging seasoning.
Be a valued blog commentor. Any person can tell you a post is nice, in 2 words. Even a dingbat can do this. Adds no real value. Genuine humans hellbent on adding real value share 1-2 paragraphs of thoughtful, keen insight so we all benefit from the comment itself.
Nobody cares about people who do not care about them but we do care about people who care about us. Enter genuine blog commenting. Share value to care. Be seen by showing you add value to a blog post. People blind themselves to worthless spammers but genuine, valuable comments make you raise your eyebrows, even if it is just a little bit.
Genuine Comment Example
“Hi Sazzadul,
Rocking post brother. You did a fabulous job explaining how to comment effectively. I dig sharing my thoughts in genuine fashion, adding a personal story or two, to dole out some helpful personal experience. I’ll happily be the blogging guinea pig and share my experiences to save bloggers from years of headaches.
That’s it. Did that seem terribly difficult? Heck no! I shared my genuine, valued thoughts. Toss in signing off and mentioning my fellow blogger by name, and you have the recipe for successful, attention-grabbing blog comment.
I see commenting as easy because we share opinions all day long, offline. Why not do it online to make friends, drive traffic and make money online? No brainer to me, really. But releasing mental blocks to comments involves fear diving. Bloggers fear comments waste your time. Others fear comments get ignored way too often. Some feel no one reads comments. Others greedily believe comments only yield value for Do Follow links, and virtually all comment links are No Follow links.
Genuine, attractive, attention-grabbing blog commenting is not about SEO or Google, but making friends with pros by sharing value and being genuine.
Observe my comment above. Bloggers note said comments. Bloggers also do a fine job finding you and your blog if you publish 1, 2 or 10 genuine comments on their blog. Strong bonds begin forming. All blogging success sprouts out of these strong, genuine bonds, we need form in order to succeed online. May as well make an impact by being genuine and value-sharing, versus being a fake, stingy fool who spams his way or her way to unending blogging failure.
Drivers make the difference. Intents influence you to act in a specific way.
Think why you want to comment. Purify that reason a bit. No doubt, making genuine connections through blog commenting is the secret sauce to building bonds, sharing value, being real and capitalizing on this oft-ignored blogging strategy.
Comment to have fun. Comment to add value. Comment to make friends. Genuine blog commenting should feel like a big old blogging party, if you are doing it right.
Be real. Share value. Arrest attention spans through your blog commenting campaign.
If you haven’t joined Allrounder Blogging Community yet, do join ASAP and follow us on Twitter and Facebook to get exclusive content on a regular basis.

Ryan Biddulph
A Blogging Geek from Paradise.
Ryan Biddulph inspires bloggers with his 100 plus eBooks, courses, audiobooks and blog at Blogging From Paradise.
Yes, drivers make the difference.
I’m making sure to drop atleast a comment daily not because I’ve decided so but because I feel fun doing it. I get to, learn something out of the blog post, build bond with the author, noticed by the other readers and my writing gets better. And over the time, I’ve learned how genuine commenting is lifting me up in a way.
Thanks to bloggers like you, Ryan who always being trying to inspire people around them with the real perspectives.
Nice one, Ryan 🙂
Fun is the best driver Mudassir. Keeps us going no matter what. Thanks brother!
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