I learned an important lesson from top pro bloggers many moons ago.
Influential bloggers taught me to gobble up opportunities left and right. I do not play around in this regard, seizing and using as many opportunities to help people as humanly possible, daily. Seizing opportunities and using ‘em to share value feels good but highly uncomfortable sometimes because giving your life to blogging – largely – nudges you into fears. But such is the success tax influential bloggers pay to become successful.
Blogging is genuinely simple but way too many bloggers overthink it. Create content. Make friends by being generous. Trust. Monetize through multiple income streams. Simple, eh? Yes. But uncomfortable, because grabbing opportunities left and right feels one part good and at times, a bit overwhelming. I would love kicking my feet up today on a Sunday to watch Netflix all day. But since I also love blogging and know my intent goads me to write for you, I work most of the day. No worries; Netflix later for me. However, influencers spend serious time and energy doing interviews, writing blog posts and writing guest posts to gain skills, exposure and credibility. Sometimes, bloggers need to turn down opportunities but this does not happen unless the blogger becomes ridiculously famous, or perhaps if the opportunity does not resonate with the blogger. Other than that, influential bloggers fill their blogging day seizing, using and benefiting from opportunities by rendering service and sharing value.
I know this sounds simple but few do it because most live in survival mode. Bloggers tend to do just enough to get by, and no more. Doing just enough to get by means turning down most opportunities because you feel too rushed, hurried or flat out too busy to seize these moments. Of course, blogging from survival mode guarantees you struggle, or barely get by. Sure you need to be seizing and using all opportunities for growth to build your business but it requires a mindset shift to go from survival mode to thriving mode. Why try to just survive when you can thrive? Go for it. Succeed and thrive. Free yourself. Just know how as your blogging power increases so does your blogging responsibility. Profits grow too. As does business. But more people ask you to do more stuff as your blogging start shines brighter. Turn down some non-resonant opportunities but gobble up the rest to increase your sphere of influence. Seize opportunities to help people. Guest post. Do interviews. Publish posts on your blog.
Never be arrogant enough to turn down opportunities as a struggling blogger. I have observed bloggers who moaned about struggling financially routinely turn down opportunities for increased blog traffic, blogging profits and blogging business growth. Why? Blogs for guest posting seemed too inclusive for them, not being in rarefied blogging air. Meanwhile, the same bloggers complained about being broke a few weeks later. Never allow ego to call the shots. Blogging doom follows. Blog from your heart. Be generous by grabbing opportunities to help folks. Act on those ideas immediately. Comment genuinely on blogs. Guest post prolifically. Publish posts prolifically to your blog. Help people some more. Relax. Ease your mind. Then, explore more opportunities to help readers. Be an opportunity magnet to become an influential blogger.
You just knew I had to write an eBook on the topic of becoming an influential blogger, right? Of course I did. This fun, freeing read lays out the steps to take, to gain influencer status. Buy it here:
How to Become an Influential Blogger in 6 Months or Less

Ryan Biddulph
A Blogging Geek from Paradise.
Ryan Biddulph inspires bloggers with his 100 plus eBooks, courses, audiobooks and blog at Blogging From Paradise.
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