Rise above the competitive plane of thought.
Stop going against bloggers. Work with bloggers. Co-create. Make people your friend. Work with fellow bloggers. Begin guest posting. Co-promote each other. Note bloggers on your blog. Note bloggers through social media. Noting bloggers is an easy way to make friends. Making blogging buddies increases traffic and business for you. Blogging buddies:
- endorse you
- promote you
- buy your stuff
- hire you
Why choose to go against bloggers? Why create an imagined competition in a universe of abundance? No limits to anything exist. Save in your mind. Bloggers create competition in mind. But competition does not exist until you create competition.
All begins and ends in mind. Let go fear of competition to begin co-creation. No one needs go against. Every blogger can be with and for other bloggers to build loyalty. Even if bloggers do not vibe with you simply never go against anyone. Let them go to grow in their own way.
Work with bloggers to expand everything more quickly. For example, comment genuinely on blogs to add value to posts and to make friends. Some bloggers comment on your blog and promote you. Bonds form. Blogging buddies invite you to guest post on their blogs.
Traffic and profits increase but only because you co-created versus competing with fellow bloggers. Competing makes zero sense anyway. Everything is abundance. Everything is gain. Why fear someone stealing your traffic and profits in an abundant world?
Competing wastes precious time and energy going against something or someone not existing until created in your mind. Un-create competition. Begin co-creation. Take your time. Build friendships by chatting up fellow bloggers. Publish genuine comments on blogs. Engage people on Twitter and Facebook. Ask for nothing in return.
Expect nothing in return. Demand nothing in return. Do you feel anxious networking? Self-conscious? Grab this eBook for conquering anxiety. Nudge out of your networking bubble. Everyone feels safe, comfy and cozy in their networking bubble. Reaching out means leaving comfort behind as you edge into fear. Do it. All co-creating begins well outside of your comfort zone. Reach out to branch out.
Co-creating builds your blogging business through leveraging. Comment on 10 blogs today. Publish genuine comments. Bonds may form between you and 7 of those bloggers. 7 blogging buddies:
- comment on your blog
- retweet your latest blog post
- share your latest blog post on Facebook
Imagine 7 new blogging audiences reading your latest blog post? Imagine that traffic. Seize and use the power of leveraging. Make friends. Co-create. Stop trying to blog solo. Stop trying to be a blogging lone wolf. Network generously. Work with other bloggers. Work for other bloggers. Humble yourself. Ask how you can help. Relax. Ask for nothing in return. Expect nothing in return. Glorious co-creations sprout from these generous serving sessions.
Powerful bloggers know; no one succeeds solo. All top bloggers build strategic friendships with other top bloggers by being generous. Helping people for free is the simple way to get your foot in the cyber door. Helping people for free grabs attention spans in an inward-focused, sometimes selfish, blogging world. Keep helping top bloggers for free.
Hone your skills to own your skills. Eventually, opportunities for co-creating arise. Perhaps you guest post on each other’s blog. Podcasting opportunities arise too; maybe you interview or someone interviews you. Joint ventures surface. Ship courses with successful bloggers. Everything multiplies by being a co-creator.
Do things from generosity. Blog from abundance. Co-create. Stop making blogging tougher for yourself and others. Rise above the competition. Co-create with successful bloggers on the creative plane. Multiply your success through the power of teamwork.
Teamwork really does make the blogging dream work.

Ryan Biddulph
A Blogging Geek from Paradise.
Ryan Biddulph inspires bloggers with his 100 plus eBooks, courses, audiobooks and blog at Blogging From Paradise.