Be generous with other bloggers and yourself.
Be as generous with yourself as you are with other bloggers.
Help bloggers freely to increase your skills and exposure. Be generous with yourself by promoting yourself freely and by charging generous, premium prices for your products and services. Most bloggers screw up in both departments. Most bloggers blog stingily, holding back, metering out content with a tight-wad, lack and limitation, poverty conscious mentality. Even worse? These folks are incredibly stingy with themselves, never promoting their premium products and services, charging dirt cheap, bargain basement prices and struggling like hell to make a penny.
Imagine holding back, gaining virtually no skills and exposure. Plus you never promote your business, so no one knows what you do, how you can help them, and how they can hire you or buy your stuff. PLUS, when someone accidentally comes across your products and services, you charge bargain basement prices, making peanuts, or you allow cheap bloggers to barter you down to ridiculous rates, like writing a 600 word article for 5 freaking USD.
Do you see why bloggers struggle? Few bloggers are incredibly generous with people, and, even fewer are incredibly generous with themselves. Make being generous your blogging resolution for 2021. Make generosity your blogging buzzword for the upcoming year. Giving freely is in; giving freely will never go out of style. The exposure you gain and skills you develop by being generous positions you to become incredibly successful but you need to open multiple streams of income, charge premium rates and promote yourself just as generously to actually cash in, to appreciable levels.
Make every moment count by patiently, generously and genuinely helping folks all day long. Make the year count by publishing content, by building generous bonds and by not worrying about what you get through each interaction. The getting takes care of itself when your giving energy is off the charts, because people who give freely simply get just as freely, over time.
I will now share a rare video here, on making every moment count:
Do you see how I worked in more inspiration by sharing this video? Takes me 3 seconds to embed this sucker but my generosity may inspire just one more person to be generous next year, to position themselves to succeed with blogging. The more folks you help from an abundant energy, the more success you experience. Remember that.
But be even more generous with yourself. Do not be shy. Tell us what you offer, business-wise, and charge a healthy, generous price so you can actually do this gig on a full time basis. Feel free to barter or bargain a tiny bit with folks but have blogging posture. Never be stingy with yourself by working for peanuts. Be as generous with yourself as you are generous with other people to position yourself to profit handsomely.
Give freely. Receive easily. Be generous with your readers. Be generous with yourself. Cover both bases. Gain skills, exposure and credibility. Cash in because you promote yourself freely and charge healthy, premium rates. Hug uncomfortable feelings as you become generous with self and other human beings because fears can – and do – arise as you follow this blogging rule of rules.
Face, feel and release fears to be more and more generous with others…..and with yourself.
Do you want to enjoy a colorful read that promotes your blogging success?
I wrote about my 4 month stay in stunning Fiji and how Fijian fruit bats help you become a successful blogger.
Buy the eBook here:
10 Reasons Why Fijian Fruit Bats Would Be Absurdly Successful Bloggers
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Ryan Biddulph
A Blogging Geek from Paradise.
Ryan Biddulph inspires bloggers with his 100 plus eBooks, courses, audiobooks and blog at Blogging From Paradise.