My friend Joy Healey published my guest post on her blog a while back:
Humble Yourself and Learn from Pro Bloggers
We chatted in comments. A conversation developed. Rosemary noted doing some legwork but outsourcing to get the job done. She likes a mix.
During your early blogging days, I deeply agree. Time is ample. As a new blogger, you do not have 100 engagements to fulfill daily nor do you have 10 blog posts to create and publish. Learn how to solve some problems, solving it yourself. Gain confidence. Gain critical knowledge. Acquire priceless experience.
But genuinely vexing problems require a different approach. Pay for a solution or ask a dear friend to solve it. No new bloggers should waste hours or days stuck on a blogging problem because time is still precious; even if you have ample time.
Pay to save time, energy and heartache in some cases. Pro bloggers act like pro bloggers well before going pro. Outsource. Free yourself.
Pro Blogging? Different Story
I have little time to waste because I am a pro blogger The moment you begin steadily thriving, everything expands. Work increases. Contacts grow. Engagements expand. Time becomes precious.
Gordon Gekko famously stated he was “Rich enough not to waste time,” in the movie “Wall Street”.
I own not G.G.’s wealth – currently – but know the man’s statement well. I simply do not waste time. I cannot afford to waste 5 seconds messing around with a blogging problem, let alone 5 minutes. Either I pay for a solution or ask a dear friend to handle the problem.
I made many dear friends over a decade so many line up to help me, solving problems fast. But new bloggers or struggling bloggers have no idea what it feels like to have so much business-building work lined up that you cannot waste 5 seconds trying to figure out a problem solo.
How do you cultivate that feeling so you stop wasting time and either outsource or ask friends more often to solve problems? Pack your day tight.
Pack Your Day Tight
At the beginning of each day, I seek blogging success by packing my blogging day tight. I intend to create and publish 10 posts between my blog and guest posting gigs. Being this busy, I have little time to muck around. I also network generously, packing my day even tighter.
As my engagements grow as far as emails and social media, my days seemed packed even tighter. I have only a few seconds to spare. Having seconds to spare ensures I never waste time fumbling around, trying to do something I need to either surrender, hand off outsource, or simply forget about entirely. I have ample clarity to never get caught up in analysis paralysis or other ego games created from energies of idleness, boredom or other fear-based states of mind. I have a job to do, do it, and hand off all elements best handled by other folks.
Again; until YOU decide to expand your blogging duties – this happens well before you begin making money – your schedule will appear to be wide-open, and your ego will foolishly micro-manage everything, wasting precious time. Engage in problem solving sometimes. Figure out issues on your own. Gain confidence and valuable experience in the process.
But eventually, scaling becomes necessary if you want to actually become a pro blogger. No pro does it all on their own. No pro handles everything on their own. Pay people to solve problems, to free up your time and energy. Ask friends to solve friends. Give your energies to creating and connecting in order to keep growing your blogging business.
Do you need help trying to overcome obstacles?
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How to Overcome Obstacles Easily
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Ryan Biddulph
A Blogging Geek from Paradise.
Ryan Biddulph inspires bloggers with his 100 plus eBooks, courses, audiobooks and blog at Blogging From Paradise.
Hi Ryan,
I’ve farmed out some tasks in order to care take my blog. From the offline world (hiring people to do tasks around my home) to the online world, sometimes we need to farm things out.
When there’s a problem my first go to person is my husband because he’s great with technology and that’s my weak point. Other than that, I’ve farmed out some work from “Fivver” people to some pro’s. It does save me time to do my daily routines.
Donna this is such a key concept to put into action to leverage, to succeed online and to have ample time to free up your offline life. Farming out is beyond key to be free.
Hi Ryan,
Thanks for the mention.
Yes, time is precious – I haven’t yet reached the point where blogging is a full-time gig for me, so I am juggling it along-side FOUR off-line businesses (two of them helping out family members). So every minute counts and I am now much more likely to pay for outside help.
The biggest saving was paying for decent WordPress hosting, because there was a time when I was spending so much time stressing about technical problems that I seriously considered just deleting my blog.
But a well-supported site has taken away all that stress. Typically I put in a support ticket, go to make a coffee, and when I sit down again, my response is already there.
Joy Healey – Blogging After Dark
Joy I am totally with you on investing in quality hosting. What a headache and time and energy saver.