Do you want to drum up attention for your email list?
Give away a valued freebie.
You came to the right place. I can teach you how to do this.
Before we dive in, buy my eBook to do a freebie proper:
Make Money Online: 7 Tips to Launch a Successful Free Giveaway
Here we go.
Solve a Specific Problem
Solve a specific problem suffered by your readers. Think of their problems. Pick two or three. Narrow it down. Choose one pressing problem to solve through your free giveaway.
Bloggers usually have traffic or profits problems. Cover those problems if you cover that niche. Be clear. Be simple.
No need to reinvent the wheel. Create a free giveaway that solves a pressing need so people want it.
Not Too Much
Do not go overboard with your free giveaway. I made a mistake many years ago.
Every week I gave away one of my entire ebooks for free. I do have over a hundred. No shortage of freebies.
Not only did this overwhelm my readers, I gave away too much for free and sales took a little bit of a hit. Sure I gained exposure and help folks but I overwhelmed people with a resistant, forced approach. Ease up.
Do not give away too much free content because readers have ample free content through your blog. Be short and sweet. Get right to the point. Help people without overwhelming them.
Not Too Little
Avoid being stingy. Give freely enough to make it worth your reader’s while. Do not overwhelm readers. But do not hold back.
Be generous. Consider a super short eBook or free report solving a basic problem in your niche.
Consider 2000 to 4000 words. Or something in that area. It’s not so much the word count but the value and problem-solving potential in an eBook or free report that makes it attractive.
Stay on Topic
Never give away something for free not related to your niche. I see bloggers offer freebies not aligned with their blogging niches. This makes zero sense.
Why would someone download a free report not aligned with the blogging niche? Silly move. Stay on topic. Do not offer some free giveaway just because a popular blogger created the freebie.
Does the blogger blog in your niche? If so, great. If not, stay within your niche to boost downloads.
Try to Create it Yourself
Although you can offer freebies created by veteran bloggers, gaining trust becomes easier if you create and publish the free report yourself. Put in the time. Have you published at least 5 blog posts? If so, you have ample knowledge to create a short, sweet and valuable free giveaway.
Distance yourself from the blogging herd. Be you. Brand you. Create and publish your own free giveaway to boost downloads and to build your credibility.
Remember This
Your entire body of work speaks for itself. No single free giveaway makes the difference for building your list or growing your blogging business. Create helpful content. Build strong connections with top bloggers in your niche.
Open multiple streams of income. Offering a valuable free giveaway increases your list size, boosts your credibility and grows your blogging success but it’s just a small part of becoming a pro blogger.
Never place too much attention and energy on offering freebies. Some bloggers obsess over choosing a specific giveaway and ignore creating and connecting generously every single day.
I have no clue why bloggers believe a free giveaway will make or break their success.
Try 10,000 hours of creating and connecting generously over a decade.
This is what it takes to really succeed online. Choosing the right free giveaway is simply icing on the cake or a cherry on top.
Happy blogging!
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Ryan Biddulph
A Blogging Geek from Paradise.
Ryan Biddulph inspires bloggers with his 100 plus eBooks, courses, audiobooks and blog at Blogging From Paradise.