Hmmm….you cannot really make your blog do anything. Blogs are inanimate objects, subject to influence, but you cannot force anything out of your blog. Beginner bloggers and struggling bloggers slam into this force-filled problem, being stricken with fear and hurry and desperation and greed.
Bloggers believe forcing themselves to force their blogs to grow actually gives non-sentient, inanimate blogs some magical power to actually do stuff on its own. Blogs cannot do anything. Everything is on you.
Do you know what ya do to grow your blog faster? Give 100% of your blogging attention and energy to:
- learning how to blog from pros
- practicing your writing
- creating helpful content
- bonding with top bloggers by helping them
- opening multiple streams of income
YOU grow faster through your dogged effort to improve your blogging skills, and your blog simply reflects back to you your generous effort, through blogging success. Blogs are mirrors. Bloggers simply see their work or lack thereof reflected back to them through the blog, and through their blogging results.
Blogs give you what you give blogging. But forcing results through blogging brings struggle back to you because force negates.
- genuine blog commenting
- guest posting
- increasing your blog post frequency
- investing in courses and eBooks to see where you need help with your blog
to speed up traffic and profit growth. But do not hurry or rush through the process of growing your blog because you soon see blogging takes its sweet time as you patiently learn, practice and develop blogging skills. I feared guest posting years ago but gradually gained confidence enough in my writing that I began guest posting freely. Why did it take so long for me to guest post? Guest posting, and blogging, took its sweet time with me as I patiently worked on facing, feeling and releasing my blogging fears.
Organic process that takes a minute, folks, a minute meaning many years. Blogging is an organic process because facing fears blocking your blogging success is an organic process. Nobody or no thing speeds up the process so simply allow your blog to grow faster by patiently, persistently and generously improving your blogging skills.
Years in an eBook
Buy my eBook:
How did I write an entire eBook on how to not waste time online? I grew my blog through years of experience, work, trial and error to the point where I could fill an entire eBook with helpful tips for not wasting time online. I followed the fundamentals of creating and connecting. I guest posted. I genuinely commented on blogs. I also took time to learn from experience as I proceeded, being hyper aware of my time wasting activities. Eventually, I wrote the eBook, but it took time, energy and effort through a slow, steady, organic process, to allow the eBook to come into form.
This is why using the word “make” sometimes unsettles me, when used in reference to making blogging grow. Bloggers infer forcing blogs to grow, meaning, fear drives these bloggers, because force is fear. Force is fear, and force negates, so if you apply force-fear to blogs, to try to make blogs yield success, your fear mirrors back to you as failure. First, work on energy. Be generous and trusting, not stingy and forcing, to lay the foundation, for following practical tips I share above.
I know my mindset posts may drive you batty but you will save years of headaches if you do mindset or energy work first, before you genuinely nudge into your blogging campaign.
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Ryan Biddulph
A Blogging Geek from Paradise.
Ryan Biddulph inspires bloggers with his 100 plus eBooks, courses, audiobooks and blog at Blogging From Paradise.