I am a super busy guy these days.
My wife and I are selling the house. This means ample offline work as I clear the home of stuff. Never mind I run a blogging business. Never mind I spend hours offline meditating, doing yoga and exercising. Life is busy. I do what I can. I get in the blogging work when and however I can these days. 1000 word posts? Ain’t gonna happen. 600 word posts? That sounds more like it. Plus I’ll toss in a video of me chatting about blogging tips to give you a wee more to chew on to satisfy your blogging cravings.
I am clear on getting in blogging work when and how I can. I write these words while cooking dinner for me and my wife. Tempeh, egg noodles, spinach and gravy. I literally jog back up and down stairs to write a few more words while the tempeh simmers. This is getting in the blogging work. No excuses. I have fun helping you. So I help you daily. No matter what.
Right now, how I blog changes a little bit. Shorter form forms, more videos and more prolific dealings these days because this is what I can do and how I can help you until I move. I may change my approach. Everything depends on my feelings plus the busy-ness of my offline schedule. I will listen and adjust as needed. But reaching this point means you better have a fun, freeing driver to blog.
Video break. Do you need to get better at guest posting for the right reasons? Watch this video
How to Detach from Guest Posting for Links
Most do not have a freeing blogging driver. Most bloggers blog to get money. Having fun? After thought. Serving people? Nah. But professionals do things differently. Pro bloggers – and aspiring pros – blog mainly to have fun helping folks.
Going pro is virtually impossible unless you blog mainly to have fun helping people because the skills, exposure and cred needed to go pro can be achieved no other way. I blogged for thousands of hours to go pro. Early blogging days involved hundreds of hours spent blogging without pay. Such is the journey for all aspiring pro bloggers.
Work for free. Gain skills, exposure and cred. Open multiple income streams. Get paid. Working for free means blogging when you can and how you can, even on a tight schedule. I know part time bloggers working busy full time jobs. Hungry people get the job done. Hungry bloggers intent on going pro blog late, or early, or when they can, how they can.
Blog for 20 minutes during your 30 minute lunch break at work. Put in the time. No matter what. Blog on waking 10 minutes early for work. Blog on staying up 10 minutes late at night.
I read how a famous author wrote for 10 minutes daily while he worked his busy full time lawyer job. He became a millionaire because he wrote daily no matter what, even while he worked 12 hour days or longer at his lawyer job.
Visualize your dreams. I love seeing myself blog from places like Fiji, Bali or Thailand. Seeing myself living – and blogging – in these exotic locations promotes peace of mind, confidence and knowing in my being. I see something in mind. I follow instructions received after visualizing sessions. Everything continues to come together as I visualize and trust more every single day.
Do what you can. Wherever you are, get some blogging work done. Every little bit counts because seemingly tiny blogging actions taken daily build to massive blogging success over years. Everything adds up to brilliant results for generous, patient and persistent bloggers.
Think extension. I wrote 5 or more guest posts today. Writing each post extends me deeper into my blogging niche.
Do you need to find out how to build a loyal blogging community? Buy my eBook:
6 Tips to Grow a Rabidly Loyal Blog Community

Ryan Biddulph
A Blogging Geek from Paradise.
Ryan Biddulph inspires bloggers with his 100 plus eBooks, courses, audiobooks and blog at Blogging From Paradise.