One thing I am good at is following influential bloggers.
Influencers impart wisdom to me. Or, allow me to sponge up their critical experience. No joke, guys; this blogging journey is more about gaining blogging wisdom daily and using that experience to succeed, than it is about anything else. Whether you are picking the right online business partner, learning how to profit or navigating design pitfalls, absorbing wisdom through personal experience marks the difference between successful and failing bloggers. Keep your eyes wide open. Listen, with your ears. Tune into valuable lessons, with your heart. Nobody succeeds without gaining critical blogging wisdom daily.
Be humble. Be open. Spot success signals. Be generous in opening your ears, eyes, and heart to gain blogging wisdom every single day of your blogging life. Wisdom frees you. Wisdom prospers you.
Do you embrace blogging wisdom every single day? What did you learn today? How did you learn the lesson? I SEO optimized a few posts after seeing one of my posts rank well for a pretty competitive keyword in my niche. I had no idea my blog ranked on page 1 for “blogging for fun”:
I’m not even sure if I optimized the blog post. Yes? No? Maybe? But seeing my post rank well, I gained an instant nugget of wisdom. Going forward, I should open up to optimizing more posts for Google traffic because if I rank posts sans caring much at all I likely can rank quite a few posts with minimal work, based on my knowledge.
Plus, wisdom I embrace simply helps me dissolve any non-fun resistance to SEO-optimizing so I can actually enjoy the process of tailoring posts for Google. Free, passive, targeted traffic is the holy grail of blogging. I get it. I may not optimize all posts for Google – and will not, of course – but I can put in more effort to actually enjoy slow, steady targeted Google traffic flowing to my blog. Wisdom. Admitting, that you are growing, your open-mindedness and dwindling stubborn nature helps you to help more readers and to experience greater blogging success.
Gaining Daily Wisdom Makes It Easier to Succeed with Blogging
Imagine if I did not gain daily blogging wisdom. Picture me putting my head in the cyber sand. I note ranking on page 1, spot 1, on Google for “blogging for fun”, give it no thought, pay it no mind, and trudge forward, robbing myself of my experience and wisdom, because I cling to the old idea that I despise SEO-optimizing all of the time. Not true.
Sometimes I dislike doing SEO. Sometimes it is OK, no big problem. Select moments wise, I admit that doing the SEO bit feels kinda fun. I need to be straight with myself and with you, Wisdom dictates you keep doing what feels largely good but wisdom also preaches the important lesson that things change, people change, and to make blogging easier and easier by the day, you better learn from your experiences and cash in on your experiences. Nobody succeeds by sticking their blogging head in the sand so you need to have your head up and observe your blogging experiences to accelerate your online success.
Having your head up and being hyper aware is not easy all of the time because people tend to plow through their day mindlessly. I wrote an eBook to expand your awareness so you can gain critical blogging wisdom. Buy it here:
Creating the Mindset of a Successful Blogger
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Ryan Biddulph
A Blogging Geek from Paradise.
Ryan Biddulph inspires bloggers with his 100 plus eBooks, courses, audiobooks and blog at Blogging From Paradise.