Did you give it your blogging all today?
I almost always give it my blogging all, especially in my more human, fallible moments.
Sometimes, it feels way too easy to mail it in. I know. I have blogged 10,000 hours over the past 10 years of my life. I have been in the game for a long time. Now I know to give it my blogging all every single day. Not from an energy of force and fear and pushing and straining and striving but from an energy of love and fun and generous service and trust and detachment. Two different energies we are talking about here. But I still do put my blogging all into all I do online. I give a maximum amount of attention and energy to helping people everyday because where your attention and energy goes, grows.
This concept feels difficult to see these for new bloggers and struggling bloggers because you likely seem a bit deluded about the blogging success process. You might think blogging is just publishing a few posts and seeing massive success flow to you. Nope. Blogging is helping people generously every single day for hours a day, giving your blogging all, maxing out your effort, and going to bed happy, tired and fulfilled.
I rarely end days filled with utter exhaustion because I never force things or push it these days. But I do spend 8 to 10 hours – or more – daily giving it my blogging all by giving a hefty amount of attention and energy to serving people through blogging. Most bloggers cannot make the same claim because most bloggers mail it in, blogging a bit here, and a bit there, and never going beyond into uncomfortable, scary but successful zones. Most bloggers crave comfort and the illusion of security over desiring freedom and having the ability to call their own shots. I chose the latter way to live. Sure hasn’t hurt me one bit.
No Forcing Allowed
I am not talking about busting your tail and posting a link of your latest post to 300 spots online. Giving it your blogging all is about GIVING, not desperately trying to get from a predominant energy of fear. I mean being incredibly generous throughout your day, every day, helping as many people as possible and not quitting on being generous.
Help People
Giving it all means helping as many people as humanly possible every day through writing blog posts, writing guest posts, recording videos, recording podcasts, commenting genuinely on blogs and promoting bloggers on your blog and through social media.
Remember; putting in effort simply mirrors your effort back to you as your blogging results. Putting in a generous amount of effort over years of your life leads to staggering blogging success over the long haul. Blogging gives you what you give blogging. Blogging is the perfect medium. Blogging is the perfect mirror. Simply be ALL IN daily, never take a day off from being generous, and your generous, patient, persistent blogging efforts lead to stunning success over the long haul. I have experienced this truth again and again. Give freely, persistently, and you will receive easily over the long haul.
Do you feel confused about how to increase your blogging profits? I gave you the secret, above. Be incredibly generous in helping people daily, and you increase your skills and exposure to boost those profits over time.
I also wrote and self-published an eBook to help boost your blogging profits.
Buy my eBook for a guide on how to make money blogging:
How to Maximize Your Blogging Profits in 5 Simple Steps
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Ryan Biddulph
A Blogging Geek from Paradise.
Ryan Biddulph inspires bloggers with his 100 plus eBooks, courses, audiobooks and blog at Blogging From Paradise.