Quite literally, a change in blogging scenery makes all the difference in the world sometimes.
I could care less about trying different traffic-driving tips or any of that jazz. If you feel not good, relaxed, refreshed and recharged, who in the heck cares about how you try to drive traffic to your blog? Moot! Example; I felt tired before because I slept little last night. After broadcasting live on Twitter I took a long nap. Napping energized me a little bit. But I still felt like I was flagging somehow.
I literally changed my blogging spot. Versus sitting in a rocking chair on the other side of the living room I sat cross-legged on the other side of the room on a comfortable couch. Brilliant! My neck and back feel much better. My words are flowing. I will likely complete this guest post in 13 minutes flat. Why? Changing the spot in which I blog refreshed me. Sometimes you and I need a change in scenery in order to allow words to flow. Sometimes the change in scenery is simply walking 10 feet across the living room to sit cross-legged on a couch versus sitting in a rocking chair.
Other times, the change in scenery becomes more varied, like working in the library for some peace and quiet because your spouse and kids create a bit too much chaos in the home-setting. I adore my little niece. But I could never work effectively and efficiently whenever my wife and I cared for her. She is as cute as can be but writing and publishing 5 or more guest posts in a single day becomes impossible when a little kid screams at your attention span every 14 seconds. I would find a different spot blogging-wise not in rooms, but in time, waking early to blog and staying up late to blog to get more work done when she slept.
But I never could get my full blogging work done whenever we watched my niece. Hey; it was what it was. But you need to become well-aware of similar barriers to blogging. Parents care for their kids but what happens when parents have spectacular dreams to blog in order to eventually go full time so parents spend more and more time with kids, when parents become pro bloggers? Parents either make common excuses like they have no time to blog because parents are busy with the kids or parents find a blogging spot – time or space wise – to get the blogging work done, no matter the challenges that arise in their experience.
I face all manner of challenges as a full time digital nomad. I literally have no home. My house or apartment changes every month or two months. But my wife and I trained ourselves to change blogging spots between both space and time so we adjust seamlessly to our set-ups. I rarely if ever have a work desk but…..who cares? Do you need a work desk to succeed? Nope. All you need is to be flexible, generous and to put in both the work and time to become a successful blogger. Never allow piddly excuses to derail you from important blogging work.
Everything improves for you in the future if you put in blogging time and effort now. Find your blogging spot. Get your little niche carved out in terms of where you work, blogging-wise. Be prepared to change your spot at a moment’s notice. Check out my experience from earlier today. Be just as flexible to find your ideal blogging spot.
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Ryan Biddulph
A Blogging Geek from Paradise.
Ryan Biddulph inspires bloggers with his 100 plus eBooks, courses, audiobooks and blog at Blogging From Paradise.