For whatever reason, my preview images do not appear on Facebook after I publish updates. I share twice. I share 3 times. Every time I share, the image pops up on the preview but does not appear the moment I actually publish the Facebook update.
Do I care? Of course not. Images popping up on Facebook updates are small blogging potatoes. Images not appearing on Facebook? Small blogging stuff. Do I struggle terribly because images vanish the moment I publish a Facebook update? Nope. I do quite fine, blogging-wise. Why? I do not worry about trivial aspects of blogging.
Of course, many of my fellow bloggers out there worry about small blogging stuff. Some spend 5 minutes, 10 minutes or 60 minutes trying to figure out why their images do not appear on Facebook updates. Meanwhile, I wrote and published 3 guest posts during the 60 minute stretch. What puts more money in your pocket? Researching a Facebook issue? Or writing 3 guest posts?
What drives more blog traffic? Researching why your images do not pop up on Facebook? Or writing 3 guest posts? Think through why you do what you do and how much attention and energy you give to small blogging activities. No one genuinely goes pro by worrying about little stuff that has a tiny impact on your blogging campaign. People go pro by publishing helpful content, by befriending pros and by opening multiple streams of income. Sticking to these basics guarantees your pro career down the road. Focusing hours of your attention and energy trying to solve the dreaded Facebook photo disappearing issue wastes hours of your time.
Think; how many people will visit your blog through Facebook if images appear on updates versus images not appearing? Do you honestly believe 4,000 or more folks will click on your link if you figure out how to post your image? Do zero people see your image-less updates, and do you expect 4000 extra people to see your image updates? Of course these numbers do not make sense.
But heck yeah you may attract 4000 people to your blog if you guest post 3 times daily for the next month. Or today, you may attract 300, 500 or 700 extra folks to you and your guest posts by guest posting 3 times today.
Blogging gets easier for bloggers who give all of their attention and energy to publishing posts, publishing guest posts and opening multiple income streams. Blogging gets tougher and tougher for bloggers who give way too much attention and energy to stuff not at all important in the blogging game. Fiddling around with heat maps for hours, deliberating over plug-ins for hours and spending days pondering what theme to buy wastes precious hours and days because successful bloggers spend those same hours and days publishing content, building bonds and promoting multiple streams of income.
Who succeeds? Bloggers who give all energy to important activities for a long time go pro. Bloggers who give more than a few seconds or minutes to non-essential blogging activities struggle and tend to fail as they focus on the wrong blogging stuff and ignore the right blogging stuff.
Focus on important blogging activities. Let all else go.
Do you need more peace in your life? Frenzied bloggers often give way too much of their attention and energy to non-essential activities. Peace-filled bloggers give all attention and energy to business and blogging building tasks. I wrote an eBook to help you be more at peace. Buy it here:
25 Tips to Develop Peace in Your Life
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Ryan Biddulph
A Blogging Geek from Paradise.
Ryan Biddulph inspires bloggers with his 100 plus eBooks, courses, audiobooks and blog at Blogging From Paradise.