Blogging Gets Easier When You Give and Tougher When You Take

Blogging Gets Easier When You Give and Tougher When You Take 2
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Generous bloggers succeed because being helpful develops skills, exposure and credibility required to go pro.

Selfish bloggers fail because being self-centered does not develop skills, exposure and credibility required to go pro.

Scanning my spam folder moments ago revealed takers. Blogging gets tougher for takers because each spammer wants to take traffic without giving anything valuable. Not helping people because you want to take from people leads to failure. How can you succeed if success is giving freely? Taking or trying to take removes giving from the equation. Removing giving removes success because skilled, credible bloggers with exposure succeed, not unskilled, untrusted bloggers with no exposure.

Picture the 10 bloggers whose comments dropped into my spam folder. No one sees their comments. How can you succeed if no one sees your work? Would I succeed if my comments dropped into trash folders because I spammed bloggers? Sazzadul generously offered me a guest posting gig. I seized this opportunity to help you in a public setting. My intent is to give freely. I dwell little on taking or getting because I intend to be truly helpful. Holding this idea allows me to help you. Being helpful expands my blogging presence.

However, each taker in my spam queue offers no help, disappears into obscurity, struggles and fails. Blogging gets easier when you give and tougher when you take. Dwell on this idea daily. How much do you give? How many people do you help daily? Do you publish at least one piece of content on a daily basis? Record and upload a video to Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Record and publish a podcast. Simply help people to make blogging easier. Resist urges to hold back. Being stingy reveals bloggers happy to take but resistant to giving. Blogging gets harder if you take. But blogging gets easier if you give. Think this concept through. Give freely.

Top bloggers prove that being generous paves the way for a professional blogging career. Does any high level pro spam comment 1000 blogs for 10 hours daily? Pros try not to take. Pros give 10 hours daily to helping people by solving their problems. Follow the pro way persistently to experience professional results. Give freely to position yourself to be a full time blogger. Give to give. Allow takers to disappear into obscurity.

The best way to make blogging easier is to engineer a day of being genuinely helpful. Perhaps ego claims to be helpful after recording and publishing a 60 second video. But you and I know virtually every one of us can give more than that. Each human being can seamlessly design their day around being truly helpful for their readers and folks well outside of their blogging community. Record and publish a podcast episode. Retweet 5-10 fellow bloggers. Publish 5-10 detailed, genuine blog comments on respected blogs from your niche. Blogging gets easier for givers because all of your generosity increases skills, exposure and credibility required to become successful. People know this intellectually but ego fights the concept emotionally.

Ego wants to take with as little giving as possible. Ego desires getting something for nothing. But ego creates blogging failure because blogging gets tougher for takers. Imagine blogging spammers around the world today feeling frustrated because no one sees their comments. Working harder – aka spamming more blogs – makes blogging tougher because takers always fail, no matter how long and hard they work. Stop taking. Begin giving. Position yourself to succeed.


Check out this video to enter into the spirit of giving:

How Can You Be Truly Helpful?

About the Author

Ryan Biddulph shares smart blogging tips at Blogging From Paradise.

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