4 Questions to Ask Before Asking for a Testimonial

4 Questions to Ask Before Asking for a Testimonial 2
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I routinely get asked to write testimonials for bloggers.

I happily write glowing endorsements for skilled, trusted bloggers I have known for quite a while. No problems.

But I often field questions from complete strangers. I have no idea who they are. I also get asked by bloggers who do not yet have the skills to warrant an endorsement; being truthful is the first key to being credible and trustworthy, online. I cannot endorse an unskilled blogger who is not ready yet for my endorsement.

How to Get Testimonials for Your Blog

Guys; save your time and save my time. Save our time, collectively. Ask these 4 questions before you ask for an endorsement from any blogger.

1: Do You Have a Strong Personal Relationship with the Blogger?

Do you have a strong, personal bond with the blogger you ask for a testimonial? Ask only trusted friends. Trusted friends can vouch for you. Never ask strangers. Strangers often ask me for endorsements; I awkwardly skip over emails from these folks because how in the heck can I endorse someone I do not even know? Weird. Ask folks you build bonds with; these bloggers know you, trust you, and, you are far more likely to get endorsements from bloggers you befriended, versus asking strangers, who ignore your request virtually 100% of the time.

2: Did You Already Ask the Blogger?

Some bloggers ask me for endorsements after asking me for endorsements in the past. I happily write one endorsement for skilled, trusted bloggers, but never write a second because I am busy. Be grateful for one endorsement LOL 🙂 But some bloggers whom I do not endorse because of time or credibility issues, try asking multiple times. Move on to the next blogger, guys. Save your time and energy. Simply ask someone else because I cannot endorse you.

3: Do You Have Serious Blogging Skills?

I give a thumbs up to bold, confident bloggers, but the more I become known online, I can only honestly endorse skilled bloggers who bonded with me. I do not implicitly trust anyone else, plus I will never endorse even a skilled blogger who did not bond with me. Why? I have no idea who these folks are and if they have any skeletons in their closet. Imagine if you did something dark in your past that I knew not of because I barely know you. Visualize me endorsing you, then, readers seeing you did something that ruined your reputation, in the past. My reputation takes a hit because I endorsed someone I did not know.

On an easier to see level, I never endorse unskilled bloggers not ready for my endorsement. Spend thousands of hours honing your blogging skills to EARN my endorsement. Spend hundreds of hours helping me and asking for nothing to EARN my friendship, in order to EARN my trust. I do not give out endorsements like candy to a baby but happily endorse people who worked their tail off to earn my stamp of approval.

4: Why Would I Endorse You?

Every human being is equal of course but pro bloggers busy as heck need filtering mechanisms to cut through all the noise online. Some bloggers ask me for endorsements without thinking through why I would endorse them. One Retweet, one blog comment and one Facebook Share does not earn you the right to ask for an endorsement from me. You are a stranger to me until you spend ample time helping me, asking for nothing and earning my trust.

But you need to dig deeper and develop serious blogging skills to even consider asking for an endorsement. Think through: why would you ask any established, pro blogger for a testimonial, if you are a beginner blogger? Ponder that idea for a bit to better understand if it’s worth reaching out to a pro blogger or not for an endorsement.

No Blogger Needs Endorsements to Succeed

Bloggers pass limiting beliefs around like a blogging plague, sometimes. One limiting belief involves the idea that you need testimonials to succeed. Not true. Help people generously, make friends, trust in yourself and open multiple streams of income to succeed. Endorsements simply serve as a cherry on top, icing on the cake or a simple bonus, and nothing more.


Do you need help with your blogger outreach campaign? Buy my eBook:

13 Tips to Make Your Blogger Outreach Campaign Sizzle

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