I am writing this post at 7:18PM after a super busy day of travel. I am putting dinner off for a few moments to make sure I write this blog post. Do I NEED to write this blog post? Not really. But I need to do this uncomfortable, freeing thing. Do you see the difference between the two? One seems to be moving into a specific blogging action. The other is about doing things freeing and uncomfortable that your intuition tells you to do, for greater fun, freedom and service.
Ducking uncomfortable blogging actions holds back your success. Perhaps you avoid blogging failure by avoiding doing uncomfortable blogging things. But you will not grow like a weed, free yourself and free your readers by trying to avoid doing things your ego simply bids you to avoid doing. How can you grow if you refuse to do the things promoting your growth? How can you succeed by making comfortable, confining blogging decisions? Nothing changes if you do not change. Nothing grows if you do not grow. No one succeeds by avoiding successful action.
What single, uncomfortable blogging thing do you need to do today? We all have blogging things to do that we put off, shirk and avoid. Fear cripples most bloggers into struggle, failure and eventual quitting. Wise bloggers edge into fear and do freeing but uncomfortable things on a daily basis. Do not get it wrong; blogging is not a study in continual torture. Everyone needs to enjoy their gig in order to see the blogging journey through. I love blogging. I have fun blogging. But I also make uncomfortable choices along the way to promote my online success.
No one succeeds by doing things keeping you bound. No one wins by shirking responsibility. I could easily – and comfortably – eat dinner, put my feet up, watch Hulu and go to bed in a few hours. I traveled for some of today, changing locations. I also shopped, went to another store and hiked for 90 brisk minutes. Getting adjusted to my new location nudged me outside of my comfort zone. My ego wants to rest and recover. My heart nudged me to do this freeing but uncomfortable thing, writing and publishing this post.
Listen to your intuition. Pay close attention to your heart. Listen intently. Be with your fears. Do the uncomfortable things you gotta do today to grow your traffic, to increase your profits and to free more people through your service, by freeing yourself in the process. Be with your ego desire for comfort. Let go a love of ease. Fun, freedom, fulfillment and greater worldly success meets bloggers who do freeing, uncomfortable things.
Do you need to begin writing and self-publishing your first eBook? Perhaps you need to write and submit your first guest post? How about broadcasting live on Facebook? Do you feel an intuitive urge to do that? How about networking? Do you fear networking but intuitively know that building your blogger buddy network frees you to become more successful, in addition to adding a passive element to your blogging campaign?
Do uncomfortable, freeing and sometimes scary things to grow your traffic and profits. Accelerate your success. Enjoy greater worldly freedom. Enjoy your blogging campaign by introducing your lower blogging self to your higher blogging self.
Do you need help with your networking campaign?
I wrote an eBook to help you become a blogging networking machine.
Buy it here:
13 Steps to Become an Unstoppable Networking Machine
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Ryan Biddulph
A Blogging Geek from Paradise.
Ryan Biddulph inspires bloggers with his 100 plus eBooks, courses, audiobooks and blog at Blogging From Paradise.