What 1 Probing Question Should You Ask Yourself as a New Blogger?

What 1 Probing Question Should You Ask Yourself as a New Blogger? 2
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New bloggers have oodles of thoughts and feelings swimming around in their minds. How do you begin making money? How do you even begin blogging in the first place? Excitement reigns. Until you doubt yourself. Then you panic. What have you gotten yourself into? Hope wins again. Yeah; you know you can do this. But where do you start?

Amid the seemingly endless list of questions though, one needs to be at the front of your mind:

Why am I blogging?


I wrote an eBook for new bloggers to help you avoid nightmares I faced. Blogging mainly for money served as one nightmare-inducing mistake.

I struggled because I did not know why I genuinely blogged. I kinda BSed myself into believing fun, freedom, and service were my prime reasons to blog as a new blogger but being honest freed me from this delusion.

I asked why, and soon discovered I blogged mainly to avoid a depressing life of working 9-5 jobs in my home state versus desiring fun, freedom, and service.

Why did my money-driver create problems? Easy; since money drove me and no new blogger makes money because they have no skills and network, I ran into struggles. I lost my motivator. No money meant no sustained energy. I also made poor choices because money-motivators force you to focus on business outcomes versus focusing on the process of building your business the right way.

I would work hard, doing dumb stuff and would see 0 dollars at the end of the week. I lost motivation because I made no money. Frustrated, I quit for a little bit. But I would begin blogging again later, with the same money driver. Repeat cycle. For years. Ouch.

I finally got straight with myself: I blogged mainly to make money.

Mistake. Passion fuels profits. Eventually, I honestly discovered blogging for fun, freedom and service lays the foundation for successful blogging.

I did have some success blogging but things genuinely grew the day I created Blogging From Paradise. I felt passionate about teaching people to blog and circle the globe.

Naturally, things took off from day 1 because I held a loving, abundant, fun intent. But I had to ask the question why I blogged and also had to stick around for an honest answer to change course. Honesty is the only policy. Ask why you blog. Answer the question honestly. From there, picking a fun, freeing driver moves you in the right direction.

Why Ask the Question?

Most new bloggers blog mainly to:

  • make money
  • avoid a depressing job
  • avoid a depressing life
  • be loved
  • be popular
  • be accepted

Every driver above reeks with fear. Fear-drivers produce fear-filled results. Fear-filled, terrible results goad most bloggers to quit blogging altogether.

Asking why you blog helps you get honest from day 1. Maybe you should not blog at all if you only want to get rich quick through blogging. Failure meets you every time save the rarest of cases. Even if you are a rare blogging bird who achieves worldly success while chasing money, you never genuinely enjoy the blogging journey. Passionate bloggers love the ride. Everyone else does not because blogging feels like hard work, not a fun reward.

Perhaps you enjoy blogging but picked a hot moving niche based on profit potential, and you need to blog about a niche you feel passionate about.

Maybe you are the new blogging bird who blogs your passion, taking the blogging straight and narrow. Be straight with yourself. Be honest with yourself.

The Way to Happiness and Worldly Success

Blog your passion. Blog about a niche you would cover for free if money never found you through your blog.

Start day 1 of your blogging career with this pure, clean, clear intent. Or start NOW with this pure, clean, clear intent. Now is the time to begin blogging for fun and freedom. Let go the past. Focus on the now.

Any 7 or 8 figure blogger I follow expressed how they would blog for free and DID blog for free for 6-12 months, save a few hundred bucks in earnings, before cash steadily increased.

One 7 figure earner who gets 1,000 emails daily shared how he blogged 2-3 times daily and built his network generously for almost a year before he made hundreds of dollars. Why? He blogged mainly for fun. Money felt like extra, or, like a bonus.

He continued blogging because work was the reward.

Now he receives 1,000 emails daily and earns millions through blogging.

Do you think he chose a fun, freeing driver as a blogging newbie?

Heck yeah.

Plus, picking a fun, freeing blogging intent energized him for the 1000’s of hours and years he put into blogging.

Why do you blog?

Make sure the reason is both fun and freeing to begin blogging the right way.

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