Blogging responsibilities vary. Some tasks makes sense. Some do not.
I guest post quite a bit daily. I also publish posts to my blog frequently. I take on these effective forms of blogging responsibility because blogging and guest posting builds my authority, expands my reach and grows my blogging business effectively. I never take on more tasks just to keep busy. Who cares if you are busy? No one. Nobody ever bought my stuff, hired me or followed my blog because I was a busy blogger. People took positive action for me because I spent most of my time and energy doing things that expanded my blogging business.
Blogging became easier because I took on the right form of responsibility. The right form consists of doing valued things for a targeted, growing number of people. Peep my daily strategy. I publish 1 or more posts to Blogging From Paradise. Doing so targets my readership while increasing my exposure in the blogging tips niche. I also guest post on 3 or more blogging tips themed blogs (mostly) daily. Doing so targets my readership while increasing my exposure in the blogging tips niche. Do you see why it makes perfect sense to take on each blogging responsibility? I see a smart return on the time and energy investment of my work.
Imagine if I took on 12 hours of increased responsibility daily in terms of cold pitching blogging influencers. I would not be taking on the right type of blogging responsibility. Each pitch is not highly targeted. Plus, I am attempting to chase or find business versus allowing business to come to me. Plus, every email has a specific shelf life. Emails fly in at a rapid fire pace. Cold pitches get buried, fast, if not entirely, landing in spam or junk folders. Blog posts and guest posts? Different story. I experience a longer shelf live through all content I publish because not too many bloggers blog and guest post like I do. My content sticks around for a while.
Forget about the leveraging limits of cold pitching bloggers. Does it make sense to cold pitch one blogger? Or does it make sense to write a blog post or guest post for a bunch more bloggers? I figure taking on the increased responsibility of blogging and guest posting makes more sense versus taking on the increased responsibility of cold pitching bloggers.
Do what allows you to help the most people online. Shouldering the right types of responsibilities makes sense. Leverage. Guest post. Broadcast live. Network generously. Do stuff that feels fun and allows you to reach more people, versus doing more stuff mindlessly, just to keep busy. Do you see why I guest post so much? Guest posting is a fabulous form of leveraging. I reach different audiences daily, each community highly interested in my blogging tips niche.
Taking on greater, effective blogging responsibility tests your limits. Expect to leave your comfort zone quite a bit. Be prepared to sweat a while. Patiently face, feel and release fears to move forward from a clearer, more confident, more successful energy. Leveraging feels uncomfortable sometimes because like most bloggers, you grow accustomed to doing comfortable, traffic and profits poor, things, like writing and publishing 1 post weekly. Good luck trying to succeed with that level of responsibility, unless you spend hours to optimize the blog post for SEO.
Do things that help you reach more people. Let go ineffective blogging actions. Release low energy responsibilities. Stop doing busy work. Cease doing stuff just to fill a schedule or to satiate some imagined, but worthless, blogging needs.
Take on the right responsibility to accelerate your blogging success.
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Ryan Biddulph
A Blogging Geek from Paradise.
Ryan Biddulph inspires bloggers with his 100 plus eBooks, courses, audiobooks and blog at Blogging From Paradise.