You only need to be generous and willing to improve your creating and connecting skills for a long time through genuine, earnest practice. Never be handcuffed by the belief that you need to be a creative type. Bloggers add this limiting belief to their being, struggle and fail. How can you go pro if you are not creative, and IF you deeply believe you need to be creative to go pro? Newsflash; I am far from creative. I just generously help people by solving problems, and I solve problems by tuning in to the needs of bloggers. True; one needs to develop quite a few skills to go pro. But bloggers do not need to be creative, imaginative or publish eye-popping content in order to become a professional blogger.
For example, I Googled challenges bloggers face a few moments ago to find common obstacles bloggers slam in to during their online journey. A handful of challenges popped up on various lists. One such challenge seemed to surface a few times. Bloggers fear not being creative enough to succeed. Or, bloggers offer advice that you need to overcome some imagined creative mental block in order to succeed. Neither perspective is true because I prove otherwise through this guest post, based on my 15,000 hours of blogging experience spanning 12 years online. I am not especially creative. I am however generous, sharing freely of my time and talents to help you blogging pros in waiting. Going pro is helping people with free content generously for years. Being creative does not necessarily fit into that equation, although some bloggers may or may not be creative.
I toss out a creative blog post or eBook here and there but largely keep blogging brutally simple. No one needs to read and process blog posts engineered by a creative blogging genius. At the end of the day, who cares? I do not need to impress anyone. I intend to help you generously. Creativity is merely an ego-driven exploit, totally within the eye of the beholder. I do like entertaining here and there but blogging is solving simple problems through simple solutions with free content. Keep it simple. Keep it generous. Go pro. However, trying to be creative often leads to oodles of problems for even pro bloggers. Why? Trying to fit into a creative persona locks you inside of a confining, miserable box, ironically SAPPING your creativity. One cannot be a creative blogger by trying to blog inside of some persona or brand voice.
I fell into this trap for a bit. I tried to be darn funny, colorful or shocking for each and every post I published. Burnout followed. Anytime you TRY hard to do something you begin to force things. Force is fear. Force negates. Being natural, relaxed, generous and genuine seems to be the complete opposite of forcing things. I write and publish this guest post in under 20 minutes flat not because I am trying to be creative, clever or entertaining. I say what I gotta say to help you then I exit stage left in simple, generous, genuine fashion. I put my ego to the side and all of its craving pining to put the entertainment thing in my rear view window. Hey; enjoy my older, colorful blog posts and some eBooks which exude colorful tales and clever analogies. But know I am simple, generous and Plain Jane going forward – largely – because helping you as a blogger is far more important than entertaining you.
Plus, you begin to observe through my simple, plain content how being creative, entertaining and mesmerizing play no role in becoming a professional blogger. My wife and I just shopped at Whole Foods. Jeff Bezos owns Whole Foods. The Amazon titan routinely tops the list of the richest people on earth, sitting around $200 billion in net worth and moving north every year. Does he try to be super creative, at the end of the day? Nope. He gives people a simple solution to anything they want and ships it to ’em lightning fast. Amazon has a clear, simple, clean interface that works incredibly well for goading people to buy stuff. Did Bezos and his team try to become the Hemingway of web design or the Picasso of online shopping carts? Of course not! He intended to give customers a simple solution. Shop at my online store. Get whatever you want online or offline. Or, get close to whatever you want, online or offline.
Dissolve blogging obstacles.
Buy my eBook:
10 Powerful Strategies for Knifing through Blogging Obstacles
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Ryan Biddulph
A Blogging Geek from Paradise.
Ryan Biddulph inspires bloggers with his 100 plus eBooks, courses, audiobooks and blog at Blogging From Paradise.