Gaining blogging posture feels challenging sometimes. I feel posturing largely but find doubt sneaking into my mind in rare moments. Am I good enough? Why would people follow my blog? Why would people buy my eBooks? What makes me stand out from the crowd? Every human being who blogs finds these fears dance around in their minds, sometimes. No blogger is 100% fear-less. But like me, develop the skill of facing, feeling and releasing fears, then, moving on. Feel the fear. Release the fear. Develop more blogging posture. This is how to go pro. Face fears, feel fears, be more confident, be more posturing.
I noted being tagged on Facebook a few moments ago. Successful blogger and friend of mine David Boozer shared how many of his Kindle reads are my Blogging From Paradise eBooks. I feel humbled, grateful and appreciative for a successful blogger to find value in my eBooks. I also developed enough posture by:
- practicing writing for 1000s of hours
- writing and self-publishing the eBooks
- promoting the eBooks
to the point where people bought the eBooks, found the reads valuable and used the eBooks to become more successful bloggers. Being posturing meant I spent a long time developing my skills, exposure and credibility where people found me and my blog, versus me chasing readers and customers from heavy energies of fear, desperation and panic. Many bloggers chase success with no posture because many bloggers deeply doubt themselves, believing they are not good enough, scaring off success.
Having no posture:
“I fear I am not good enough! Look at my blog! Please! I beg you! Friend me on Facebook! Please!”
Face, feel, release these fears and you will slowly but surely develop posture. Having posture means you feel good enough, skilled enough and successful enough to know; success flows to you. Having posture means trusting yourself and trusting in the blogging process. Gaining posture means practicing your writing, creating and connecting for years, over 1000s of hours, to where you become skilled, credible and seen enough, to the point where success flows to you.
I did not spam-email David as a stranger 50 plus times with the message:
“Please buy my eBook!!!”
I generously, patiently and persistently spend 1000s of hours:
- learning how to blog the right way
- practicing my writing
- publishing helpful content
- building genuine bonds by helping influential bloggers
- self-publishing eBooks
Doing these things for a long time influenced successful bloggers like David to:
- find my eBooks
- buy my eBooks
- find value in my eBooks
- use the information I jam-packed into my eBooks to become a more successful blogger
Having posture requires a deep clarity and confidence in self. I do suffer rare doubts but largely believe that I can help you become a more successful blogger. Knowing this, I maintain posture by:
- creating helpful content
- building genuine bonds
- promoting my premium offerings
- allowing success to flow to me
Do you need to gain blogging posture? Do you chase blogging success from non-posturing, doubting energies of fear? Turn your blogging campaign around. Face, feel and clear fears fueling your non-posturing doubts. Practice, practice and practice some more. Invest in products and services published by pro bloggers with posture. I learned valuable lessons in confidence, clarity and posture from powerful bloggers; especially during my less posturing days.
Gaining posture feels uncomfortable sometimes, but is freeing, all of the time.
Do you want a complete guide for boosting your blogging posture? I wrote an eBook and self-published it as a Kindle on Amazon to help you be posturing, clear and confident.
Buy it here:
How to Develop Blogging Posture
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Ryan Biddulph
A Blogging Geek from Paradise.
Ryan Biddulph inspires bloggers with his 100 plus eBooks, courses, audiobooks and blog at Blogging From Paradise.