Follow your passion.
Blog your fun.
Love the blogging process.
In some ways, blogging is for you. Why blog unless you enjoyed the journey? Why work a job solely for the paycheck? I have been on that soul-sucking, depressing ride. Lesson learned. I blog mainly for fun, freedom and fulfillment these days. I also blog for my readers, too. My readers help to amplify my blogging success. Heck; I better solve my reader’s problems by listening to these folks, or else I am out of a blogging career. Following your passion is key but listening to your readers and solving their specific problems is paramount if you want to go pro. Blogging for your readers plays a big part in your online success because traffic and profits flow through other human beings, to you.
Listen closely to reader problems. Solve these problems by creating and publishing blog posts and guest posts. Even though this process sounds easy enough to follow, bloggers publish posts that seem pleasing to them without vetting the ideas through reader filters. I may generate a blog post idea without asking my readers about their problems, hopes and dreams. What happens if my readers express zero interest in the blog post topic, because said readers never informed me they wanted me to blog on the topic? No readers – or few readers – read the blog post. I seemed interested in the blog post topic but I do not run a cyber diary for my eyes only. Other human beings need to read my blog to accelerate my blogging success.
Why would readers follow any blog whose owner and chief creator does not listen to reader problems and solve those problems through their content? Do you see why bloggers often struggle? No reader follows a blogger who does not:
- listen to their problems
- spot their pain points
- poll their readers
- publish content specifically designed to solve reader problems offered by the reader to the blogger
Listen closely to your readers. Solve their problems with your content. But you better enjoy the process to see the journey through. Blog mainly to have fun and to free yourself but enjoy helping other human beings by listening to their needs, by tailoring content to solve their problems and by persistently, patiently and generously serving your readers. I blog to have fun. I also blog to help solve my reader’s problems. Finding a nice mix between the two intents fuels me for a long haul journey of helping people freely. I never blog solely based on what enters my mind unless I have vetted the idea by matching the topic with a solution to my reader’s problems. I do not write content that solely pleases me; I write content pleasing to my readers, addressing their needs.
Enjoy the blogging ride. Help readers. Listen to their problems. Blog for having fun and for rendering useful service. Be in touch with reader needs. Keep your finger on their cyber pulse, tuning in to their issues. Solving reader problems influences readers to return to your blog routinely. Returning to your blog routinely lets you to grow a large, loyal, thriving blogging community. Loving the act of blogging stabilizes your energy for a long haul, sometimes challenging, blogging journey.
Do you have a difficult time gaining the trust of your blogging audience? Most bloggers struggle to build goodwill and credibility with their readership for a series of mental blocks they cling to.
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8 Tips to Gain the Trust of Your Blogging Audience
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Ryan Biddulph
A Blogging Geek from Paradise.
Ryan Biddulph inspires bloggers with his 100 plus eBooks, courses, audiobooks and blog at Blogging From Paradise.
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