Do you write smart blog posts?
Successful bloggers publish intelligent, effective posts dripping with reader benefits. No blogger succeeds unless their blog content hits the bullseye. Smart posts hit the mark every single time. But writing and publishing smart blog posts requires extra thought, deeper detail and an intelligent thought process to explore.
Never publish content for the sake of simply publishing a post within a set time frame. Bloggers often publish posts daily because one feels the need to publish one post within each 24 hour cycle. Never do this. Force negates. Publishing simply to satiate some posting schedule makes for less valuable, less beneficial, forced posts.
Do things the smart way. Follow these 4 tips.
1: Stay on Topic
Stay on topic or stray off course. Readers follow you because you established blogging expertise in some specific niche. Readers loves specialists. But readers do not love generalists. Stay on topic. Be smart. Build your expertise in a specific niche. Be seen as a specialist. Be perceived as an authority. Stay on topic with every single blog post to earn your credibility in a particular niche.
2: Solve a Problem Readers Bring to You
Solve problems readers bring to you. Never write posts based on assumptions, hunches or some pie in the sky strategy, blogging completely blind. Do things the smart way. Listen to your readers. Ask them questions. Observe their problems, struggles, trials and tribulations.
Ask reader questions:
- through your blog
- through your email list
- on Facebook
- on Twitter
Listen closely to reader answers. Publish solutions-based content solving reader needs. Add as many details as possible to become a genuine problem solver respected throughout your blogging niche. Never be shy. Ask. Ask questions freely. Listen to answers. List your reader’s problems. Publish content solving reader’s needs. Blog intelligently.
3: Keep it Clear and Clean
Write, clear, clean blog posts to be smart about it. Strip posts of flat, bloat and other forms of writing garbage. Do you take out your home trash daily? Take out your blogging trash too. Edit posts. Strip away extra words. Get right to the point. Leave everything else behind. Bloggers often err in linking word count to blog post value. Not true. Even worse? Believing some 2,000 to 3,000 word post yields value based solely on word count goads bloggers to add thousands of bloat words just to reach some imagined goal.
How you use words determines blog post value. The number of words you include in a post does not make the post valuable. Remember this before you tie word count to post value…..and to write clear, crisp, clean blog posts.
4: Format Especially for Mobile
Most people read your posts on mobile these days. Format posts especially for mobile to write smart blog posts.
I need to watch myself on this one because I spent little time on mobile and tons of time on my Chromebook and HP laptop. Sometimes, I write run on paragraphs not too friendly to folks scanning my posts on phones. But reminding myself to format for mobile influences me to write short, sweet sentences and paragraphs.
Make for a pleasing mobile experience. Use headers. Write short paragraphs. Break things up. Appeal to mobile readers.
Do you feel a bit lost on your work at home journey? I wrote an eBook guiding you through the ups and downs of being an entrepreneur. No one knows how this online gig goes until gaining a wee bit of experience. I intend to make your journey easier by sharing these 6 tips.
Buy the eBook here:
6 Tips for Work at Home Entrepreneurs
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Ryan Biddulph
A Blogging Geek from Paradise.
Ryan Biddulph inspires bloggers with his 100 plus eBooks, courses, audiobooks and blog at Blogging From Paradise.
I really loved the advice of cutting down the bloat words and keeping the content straight and clear. After all, matching the user intent should be our top goal and by stripping away those extra words could really makes the difference in terms of user experience as well as SEO.
Solid advice, Ryan!
Thanks Mudassir you rock bro 🙂
Thank you so much for this amazing guide! It is very rare to see so much valuable content.