Expand your reach on different platforms for different audiences.
Hey; we all know this. Or most bloggers know this. But few give the idea of leveraging in-depth, exhaustive thought. Bloggers ponder an idea; meet more readers through guest posting. Sounds cool. But digging deep into ideas of reaching different readers on different platforms gives you a glimpse into the true power of guest posting.
Every guest post I publish here on Blog CD goes out to Sazzadul’s readers in Bangladesh and all around the world. Perhaps a few readers here follow me on my blog but most do not. Every time I publish one post here, I reach out into an audience different from my audience at Blogging From Paradise, via a completely different platform, helping me reach that remote corner of the world. But this is just the beginning. Every time I publish another guest post on Blog CD I reach deeper into the audience here. More Blog CD readers get familiar with me, my work, my eBooks and my courses.
Every sense impression I make lets me help people but also allows other people to help me, by becoming new blog followers and customers. Think of effects commercials have on you. Watch a commercial once. Perhaps you see some resonance. Watch it twice; the tune grows on you. By 5 views, you love the tune and sing the commercial in your sleep. Guest posting works similarly but with new audiences sitting well outside of your blogging corner in the world.
Things get better. Every single guest post you write and publish becomes a passive brand advocate for your blog and business. I published quite a few guest posts on Blog CD; 177. 177 brand advocates promote me, my blog and my brand around the clock as each guest post circulates on the web in front of an audience different from my audience. I am sleeping in the USA but each post potentially pops up before readers in Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, the USA and other nations in and by where Sazzadul and I live. I cannot stress enough how the leveraging aspect of guest posting makes it a no brainer in terms of gaining exposure in front of targeted readers, quite quickly. But I also stress how guest posting needs be a long term strategy to building your presence since readers familiarize themselves with familiar bloggers.
I prefer to never – or rarely – do a guest posting one off. Instead, I build bonds with bloggers and readerships by publishing a high volume of guest posts on a few blogs. Doing this allows me to make inroads as far as building bonds, gaining trust and being credible in front of reader’s eyes. Other bloggers prefer to make one impact in front of many audiences but this approach never worked for me; being a one hit wonder made me forgettable, fast. Showing up daily or every few days made me memorable and follow worthy in the eyes of loyal readers who appreciated the loyalty I showed them by guest posting routinely on their blogs.
Keep guest posting guys. Stretch a bit to edge out of your comfort zone. Sometimes you fear wasting your time by guest posting; you’d rather post on your own blog. Do both. Publish content freely to your blog and through guest posting to expand your reach far and wide.
I wrote an eBook to help you land guest posts on authority blogs. The feat seems challenging but if you are generous, patient and persistent, you can get your guesties published on top blogs with my tips.
Buy it here:
How to Land Guest Posts on Authority Blogs
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Ryan Biddulph
A Blogging Geek from Paradise.
Ryan Biddulph inspires bloggers with his 100 plus eBooks, courses, audiobooks and blog at Blogging From Paradise.