Chronological Advancement of Gutenberg – The Beginning of New Era in WordPress

Chronological Advancement of Gutenberg - The Beginning of New Era in WordPress 2

It’s been almost a year since I have been hearing lots of noises about the new revolution of WordPress which is called Gutenberg. Though it has been whispering all through the year, I have been loosely following the noise and wp-drama surrounding Gutenberg for as long as it has been around. For the most part, I’ve …

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What is Flywheel in Business?

What is Flywheel in Business? 3

A Flywheel is basically a machine that stores rotational energy. Usually, when you add energy to a flywheel, it literally starts to spin and if you add more energy, it spins faster. Unlike a funnel, Where the only way to maintain a constant speed is to keep adding stuff to it. A flywheel will keep spinning …

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