I write these words from beautiful Massachusetts – outside of Boston – in the United States.
Life is good. My wife and I have circled the globe for 8 years and running. I live a special blogging life. But I put in a special blogging effort to create this movie-worthy life. For the past 5 years, I worked every day. Some days, I work 10-12 hours. Weekends? I work every one. Publishing 8-10 posts daily for many months, even though I love my gig, I also face deep fears and highly uncomfortable situations.
Living your dreams through blogging requires a dream-like, BIG TIME, persistent, patient effort. Few bloggers understand this simple truth. Most bloggers want to live their dream life with a failing blogger effort. Good luck with that.
I have written and published 1000’s of guest posts during my blogging career. I have written and published well over 100 guest posts on Sazzadul’s blog.
Don’t get me wrong; it’s not about how much you do. Successful blogging is about how you feel – generous and calm – while you help people. BUT the period of time passing while you generously help people is immense. Hence the special blogging effort. Hence the thousands of hours ya gotta put into blogging in order to go full time and live your dreams. Few put in thousands of generous hours, of blogging service. Few succeed.
People envy my movie-worthy life. But few envy my movie-worthy effort. Folks would LOVE to live in Bali, Fiji or New Zealand for months at a time. Folks generally DO NOT LOVE the idea of working daily for 5 years in a row, or, of working 6-10 hours or more daily. Bloggers fear putting in the time and effort because intimate, powerful fears arise in your being when you commit 100% to blogging. This is the stuff you need to face, feel and release, to live a movie-worthy life. Bloggers who live a special life are largely unburdened by fear. Everybody else feels weighed down by the anchor-like burden of fear.
Relax. This is a long journey, folks. But this is a freeing, fulfilling journey. The more I blog, the more I learn blogging successfully is about the experience of liberation more than anything else. We free self from the burden of fear as we help more folks succeed in our blogging niche of choice. THAT is why you blog. THAT liberates you.
The money, things and travel that comes with blogging successfully are genuinely small potatoes. Everything results-wise feels like a bonus or extra. I deeply appreciate worldly success but know that successful blogging is about genuine, fun service more than anything else. Putting in a special, massive effort allows you to live a special, dream life. All on you.
Slow down. Calm down. Stop trying to get rich quick. Relax; you’ll be around for a while. Adopt a long term approach. Be realistic. If you plan to blog, you may as well do it right, right?
Blogging gets easier as you put in greater efforts because all the work you did for years creates a type of passive, organic blogging success. Imagine how much passive traffic and profits flow through 10,000 blog posts and guest posts combined? Putting in the work for a long time feels challenging but pays immense returns over the long haul.
Develop a vision for your dream life. Energize yourself for a long, sometimes scary, but always freeing, pro blogging journey.
Do you want to circle the globe as an entrepreneur? Buy my eBook:
11 Online Business Tips for Retiring to a Life of Island Hopping
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Ryan Biddulph
A Blogging Geek from Paradise.
Ryan Biddulph inspires bloggers with his 100 plus eBooks, courses, audiobooks and blog at Blogging From Paradise.