Most bloggers never succeed because people mistakenly believe you need to DO more to succeed. Not true. Bloggers proudly pat themselves on the back after publishing 2 posts daily to their blog. After doing nothing else for 3 months, your traffic and profits barely increase. What gives? Doing more does not lead to blogging success. BEING more leads to successful blogging.
What do I mean by “being more”? Versus publishing 2 posts to your blog daily, write and publish 1 guest post daily, then publish 1 post to your blog. Being more means being the generous, intelligent blogger who reaches more folks by leveraging your presence. Smart bloggers who BE more simply spend most of their day exponentially increasing their exposure through intelligent guest posting and strategic networking.
Most people do more. Most work hard and fail because working hard and long indicates you fill yourself with fear. Force negates. Feel fear mainly, and see fear-filled results.
Poverty Consciousness
Bloggers tend to blog from a poverty conscious mindset dripping with fear. Poor thinking people believe if you work REALLY hard and REALLY long every day, you will make a ton of money. Nope. Working really hard and long daily is what poor people do. People living in poverty who bust their tails wind up in the poor house, nut house and in the hospital too, breaking down mentally, physically and financially.
Kick your poverty consciousness to the cyber curb. Adopt an abundance consciousness. Think, feel and act generously, abundantly and flat out wealthy. Be more. Succeed.
Abundance Consciousness
Take my blogging approach. I publish 4-5 posts daily to my blog and also publish 4-5 guest posts daily, being more, expanding my presence daily. Of course I put in 6-8 hours of blogging work daily. I work. But I be more by leveraging my presence through guest posting and by building friendships with top bloggers.
I also show off my abundance consciousness by promoting one of my 100 plus eBooks through every single post I publish, and through virtually every guest post. Most bloggers fear self-promoting; poverty conscious pattern, there. Not me. My eBooks help you. Not promoting my eBooks would be a selfish act. Promoting those suckers benefits you – helpful guides – and me – increased profits – so we both win.
I help you become a successful blogger with this inspiring eBook and help myself with increased sales. Being more is about benefiting everybody involved. You win. I win. Abundance at play.
Be More
Being more feels scary sometimes. Writing and publishing 1 post daily to your blog may feel challenging but comfortable. Writing and publishing 2 posts daily – 1 for your blog and 1 for a guest post – feels even more challenging but quite uncomfortable because you reach out to an audience different than your own.
Be more. Work more generously. Work more intelligently. Reach more people. Act like a wealthy blogger. Successful bloggers leverage. Failing bloggers tend to work harder and longer with diminishing returns, because doing so feels comfortable. All growth occurs outside of your comfort zone. All growth occurs when you are being more.
Observe Pros
One top pro inspired me to be more. While I published posts mainly to my blog, he published 14 guest posts weekly on authority blogs. He built bonds and links, using top blogs to serve people and to leverage his presence. Being more. Smart guy. He influenced me to be more. All top pros do this.
Pay close attention to top bloggers. Note how pros BE more. None of these bloggers blog in unintelligent fashion because none cling to a poverty consciousness. All blog generously from an abundance consciousness.
Think about how you can be more today. Comment genuinely on top blogs in your niche. Build strategic partnerships with top bloggers. Help these folks. Guest post on respected blogs in your niche. Be more. Succeed.

Ryan Biddulph
A Blogging Geek from Paradise.
Ryan Biddulph inspires bloggers with his 100 plus eBooks, courses, audiobooks and blog at Blogging From Paradise.