As of this morning, two interviews of Ryan Biddulph circulate around the web. At least, two I am aware of.
I published six guest posts today.
All of these opportunities flowed my way because I networked for years.
Blogger Networking
Bloggers retweet my blog posts too. A few people shared guest posts and blog posts of mine on Facebook. Good deal. But these are only shares and mentions I am aware of. I know for every blogger who pops up on my radar screen, a bunch more mention my blog via their blog or social media. One simple backlink check reveals all that background promotion unfolding.
Network Generously
I network generously. Being connected amplifies my success. I help bloggers freely. Bloggers help me freely. One hand washes the other. Simple. Easy, too. But most go lone wolf. Most bloggers believe you publish a post, sit back and allow success to expand. Nothing happens on auto pilot. Nothing happens blogging solo. Why? You may as well publish a cyber diary if you do not network because publishing solo is publishing for no one. Who follows your blog? Nobody, unless you network. Think about it. Imagine publishing a blog post solo. Who reads your blog? How do they find it? Dominating Google takes years of effort. Sans Google, nobody reads your blog because you have no trust. Nobody trusts your blog because you have no blogging buddies.
Park Your Ego at the Curb
Ego loves taking full credit for everything. If you blog solo, you can take credit for your blogging success. Nobody else grabs the spotlight from you. Good deal, right? Wrong. Trying to blog solo. You have nothing to take credit for because you will not succeed one bit. No blogger succeeds solo. People avoid blogging egomaniacs. Folks sense someone who desires all the credit. Blogging is a team sport. Bloggers who reach the top build large networks. Everybody else goes solo and fails.
Networkers Drive Traffic
Networkers have no problems gaining blog traffic. Observe Sazzadul. We befriended each other by generously helping one another. He invited me to guest post on the rocking Blog CD. I gobbled up this opportunity. Now, I publish guest posts here regularly. Every guest post helps me gain exposure in front of you rocking readers of Blog CD. Some visit my blog. Traffic boost. Once again, the power of networking generously lives again.
Lone Wolf Syndrome
Stop being a lone wolf. Stop blogging solo. Peep Quora. Guaranteed, you see bloggers ask questions like:
“How do I drive traffic to my blog?”
Note “I”, “my” and other self-centric words. Bloggers think about themselves and how they can drive blog traffic solo. Every one of these bloggers fails because you cannot be a lone wolf and succeed. But networking changes that narrative fast. Reach out. Help people generously. Serve fellow bloggers. Expect nothing. Ask for nothing. Help. Cut the strings.
Some of these bloggers bond with you. Friendships form. Blogging buddies endorse you. Some mention you on their blogs. Others promote you on social media. Getting connected increases your blogging presence exponentially. But persistent generosity opens the networking door. Do not help bloggers for a week and expect to be connected. Give yourself months to years. Be generous for longer than a minute. In time, you bond with a huge network of loyal bloggers who expand your presence around the clock, 24-7, 365.
Blogging buddies passively grow your traffic and profits. Step away from the online world. Go to bed at night. Spend time with your family. Blogging buddies keep your blogging business buzzing, mentioning you around the clock.
Do you struggle to gain blogging traction? I have been there. But I turned it around and wrote an eBook to help you succeed with blogging. Buy it here:
10 Tips for Struggling Bloggers

Ryan Biddulph
A Blogging Geek from Paradise.
Ryan Biddulph inspires bloggers with his 100 plus eBooks, courses, audiobooks and blog at Blogging From Paradise.