New bloggers often have no idea how to comment not only effectively, but properly.
You and I sometimes make way too many assumptions about newbies. I know. I just came across someone on Quora who asked about advertising affiliate links in comments. Ouch. He wanted to know if it is an effective strategy for increasing blog profits? Ouch. Of course, Sazzadul’s readers tend to spot blog spam from miles away. But new readers – and new bloggers – find our blogs daily.
Perhaps less than reputable bloggers taught you BS commenting tactics before coming across me, and my blog commenting eBook. I lay it all out in that sucker. Invest and enjoy commenting effectively.
The Problem
The main problem is, anytime you do anything in comments other than sharing your thoughts genuinely about the blog post itself, we all consider the comment spam. Spam comments go to the spam folder or junk folder. Nobody reads either one of those crap folders. Ok; maybe a few bloggers sift through spam or junk. But that number is so few, consider it to be about as infrequent as folks NOT following virus world headlines now. Count me in that camp. I sprinkle the virus on my scramble eggs each morning for seasoning, along with dropping some poison ivy garnish on my breakfast plate. I eat it up. Stop giving in to fear.
Seriously though; never advertise affiliate links or anything business-wise via blog comments because you look like a jerk. Think; comments are thoughts you publish in response to the blog post. Trying to sell something – even if that something appears to be related to the blog post – is a total dummy move. Why? Free business advertising does NOT exist on respected blogs.
Free Business Advertising: Blogging No-No!
Think of it this way.
I built 54,600 backlinks to Blogging From Paradise after 6 years of generous work. My Domain Authority is 42. I drive some sweet traffic to my blog. So, I charge money for sponsored posts and advertising space because I have a respected blog and run a business, as do all professional bloggers. I built that sucker up. I make money from folks who pay to advertise in front of that big, loyal, prospering audience. Service rendered. Payment made.
So…..imagine if someone comes along and tries to advertise their business for free via a blog comment? Talk about a cyber slap in the face. Folks pay money to advertise their business on my blog. Why in the Hades would I allow you to advertise your business for free? Do I look like that much of a dingbat? Do YOU think you can play dumb, playing possum, as far as advertising your business for free, through a comment.
Heck; I closed out comments months ago. Most went directly to spam. Time suck. Energy suck. But of course, weasels tried to worm their way in thru spam comments, before closure, attempting to advertise their business links for free through the URL field or through the comment body itself. Not good. Expect to find spam folders and also, to lose your reputation in higher blogging circles, pulling this garbage.
Never Turn off Pros
Turning off or outright repelling top bloggers – like you ate 40 cloves of garlic, drank 10 cups of coffee and kissed a vulture – hurts your chances of succeeding online. Bloggers succeed by generously, genuinely moving higher in blogging circles. Annoying blogging big dawgs makes it so tough to go full time; these pros can open special doors for you.
Alienating pros means you do not enter those exclusive blogging clubs. Not good.
Comment Value
Vishwajeet Kumar always comments value wherever I see his name pop up. He is good blog commenting money, sharing his genuine thoughts in generous, mindful fashion.
He comments in response to the post itself, fleshing out some key point.
Ditto for Mudassir Ahmed. He shares his authentic thoughts in response to the post, making an impact wherever he pops up.
Follow my friend;s leads. Both Vishwajeet and Mudassir prove to be shining blogging examples in the blog commenting and networking game.
Make comments all about adding value to a post for the hosting blogger, versus being a parasite trying to promote your business via the URL field or body field, itself.
Comment to give. Not to get.
Build bonds. Open doors. Prosper, by being a generous, genuine blog commentor.

Ryan Biddulph
A Blogging Geek from Paradise.
Ryan Biddulph inspires bloggers with his 100 plus eBooks, courses, audiobooks and blog at Blogging From Paradise.
Hello Ryan,
Thanks for the mention. I really appreciate that. Blog commenting is a great way to drive traffic and build a good relationship with other bloggers. Dropping genuine and authentic comments can really be helpful to drive good traffic. Thanks for sharing this awesome post.
VK always my pleasure brother 🙂 Thank you!